Monday, June 1, 2020

New Mind Approach for Brain Health Coaching

Table 1.1

Client always curious why there is a need to do initial screening session at the New Mind Centre?
The reason is simple, it is because we would like to set up a solution focused treatment plan by discussing with you.
We are not just simply "fixing" the problem, but more about "empowering" you with the right technique and coping skill.
Also, we would like to understand your brain arousal level better too.

Once we know how's your unconscious mind works, it is much easier for us to design the tailored made treatment plan according to your brain arousal pattern. Definitely, a full brain mapping session will be extremely helpful for a more better treatment plan design.
Once we know how your brain function works, we will suggest various methods based on your arousal level. You can refer to table 1.1, it is just an example about how we can use various evidence based therapies to improve your brain health. Bear in mind, the actual techniques can be more complex than what you read here. For example, Cognitive Behavioursal Hypnotherapy that we practice here in Malaysia also includes habit reversal therapy model, thought stopping, various types of ABC model etc. 

We have a team of practitioners including clinical neurofeedback practitioner, cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, hypnotherapist,  and nutritional consultant. We works closely with psychiatrist or neuropsychiatrist too. 

Interested to start your brain health coaching journey?
Feel free to whatsapp us by +60167154419

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

【原创】自律神经的基础运作原理 | 你可以做什么?



B:当跷跷板平衡时,自律神经也处在一个最平衡(这时身体状况最放松又健康),最有社交连接和安全状态(副交感神经之Ventral Vagal激活)。想一想,跷跷板要怎样平衡呢?就是跷跷板左右两端都要有人坐着。有质量的社交连接(Social connection)、有同理心的陪伴与深谈,可以让我们的大脑处于平衡状态。居家隔离期间,善用你的网路媒介,减少肺炎相关新闻追踪,多多和亲朋戚友透过社交软体”面谈“。

C:当跷跷板失衡,你突然被”顶“到至高点,感觉是害怕的对吗?这就像是每天我们生活里突如其来的一些负面新闻、一些压力、一些烦恼和人事问题影响而变得紧张、害怕或不安,我们就会产生交感神经反应(Sympathetic response)。这时候我们开启了”战斗模式“,身体开始响起了警报器Alarm。这时最容易出现身体不适如心悸,肠胃不舒服,对声音敏感甚至生气急躁等等情绪反应。然而这个反应是可以平衡回来的,最重要你要建立”第2要点“的资源(懂得陪伴的亲朋戚友或治疗师所教导的自助技术),让你渐渐回复平衡点。

D:当跷跷板失衡,你跌倒了后,你的大脑潜意识感觉到反抗也无效,从而陷入了无助无可奈何的状况里(副交感神经的Dorsal Vagal激活起来)。这时人很容易陷入抑与,无精打采,无法专注,非常疲累的状态。大脑记忆力开始变差,常常不在状况,人变得抽离恍惚,这时也容易出现低血压,肠胃问题和体重问题。同样的,你也需要建立起”第B要点“这个资源,你才可以让你的跷跷板容易回到平衡点。
