Tuesday, August 22, 2023


我深刻地领悟到,身心健康不是一项仅限于某个人、某个专业领域或仅仅与病患相关的议题。它实际上是众人的事业。一个人的觉醒,足以催生家庭和社会的改变。回溯十几年前的自己,我深知在面对身心健康问题时所承受的孤独和无助。Mental Health Awareness, Advocacy & Support - MHAAS 心理健康倡导幕后的推手和此次新书推广活动的作者,功不可没。她的书,真的有满满的真诚、故事和知识。推荐大家联系她购买,自己阅读或送给正在情绪低落状况的友人阅读。

因此,尽管这次活动虽然是协办的,但我对它寄予了很大的期待。看到精神科医生黄章元博士教授和名DJ Shuleen 丘淑霖同心协力支持此次活动,真是让人感到振奋。看到他们在百忙之中出席,我的内心充满了感动,这让我深刻地认识到,我们并不孤独,相信我们共同追求同一个目标。一个更有爱的世界❤️

Asia Pacific Neurofeedback Conference 2023


Day 2 ~ 9/9/2023
In conjunction with Asia Pacific Neurofeedback Conference 2023, a special event: Neurofeedback and children with special needs"- Insights from expert panel workshop, will be held on day 2.
This is a special panel workshop team that comes from different professional backgrounds such as Professor, Counsellor, Medical Doctor, Educational Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Senior Neurofeedback Therapist to share on the topic related to children with special needs and their caregiver.
Our expert panelists:
1. Dato' Professor Dr. See Ching Mey
Dato’ Prof See is an educational and counseling psychologist and a prominent leader in the field of psychology, counseling, special education, neurofeedback and community/industry engagement both locally and internationally. She is currently based at the Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre, Penang as an Educational and Counselling Psychologist Consultant. She has published over 20 academic books and more than 250 international and national academic journal papers/chapters.
2. Datuk Dr.Yee Koh Wah
Datuk Dr. Yee is a Consultant of Klinik Dr Yee & Dr Yee Neurocells Resources Center. He is a Fellow of Medical Academy of Paediatric Special Needs, United States. Datuk Dr. Yee hold a Master of Science in Health Aging, Medical Aesthetics and Regenerative Medicine from UCSI University. In addition, he received Doctorate in Integrative Health Management from Southwest University. Datuk Dr. Yee specialized in evidence based integrative medical therapy including biomedical, nutritional and stem cells sciences in treating special needs children.
3. Dr. Eva Wong, PhD, MPsy
Dr. Eva holds a doctorate degree in Educational Psychology and a Master in Special Education. She is an HRD Corp accredited trainer and has actively engaging with special needs and their family for 22 years. Dr. Eva has accumulated more than 12 years experiences as Neurofeedback Therapist. She specialized in using Neurofeedback to improve children with Autism, ADHD, Developmental Delay and Learning Difficulties. She has provided more than 500 trainings/talks/seminars/workshops, and has published two books for special needs family.
4. Dr.Hiro Koo, PhD
Dr. Hiro Koo is a trauma-informed hypnotherapist with over 10 years of practitioner experience. He completed his UUM doctoral study in the research area of Neurofeedback, hypnotherapy, and Expressive Art Therapy. He is an HRD Corp Accredited Trainer and Principal Instructor for trauma-informed hypnotherapy practitioner diploma courses. He is a multiple award-winning practitioner, including TOYM Top 30 and UTAR Outstanding Alumni 2022. His innovative neurofeedback protocols also won the Gold Medal Innovation in Counseling Award (PERKAMA) in 2019.
5. Joachim Lee, PBM
Joachim is a Executive Director and Senior Principal Psychotherapist . He has over 22 years of clinical practice and is the Leading expert in Asia in Trauma and emotional based issues. He travels the world educating and teaching professionals in the Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI).
He works with all age groups and for his immense contribution to nation building, he was awarded the Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (PBM) by the President of Singapore in 2016.
6. Low Ting Min
Ting Min is the Senior Neurofeedback Consultant at Spectrum Learning Pte Ltd, Singapore with over 15 years of experience in neurofeedback therapy. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree major in psychology from the National University of Singapore. She has successfully helped many clients with neurofeedback therapy. Her clientele base consists of clients of various backgrounds including children with special needs, students with learning difficulties, emotional dysregulation and individuals for peak performance.
Do join us for this special event.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

How can hypnotherapy heal trauma?

Recently, I read the sharing from APA Division 30 about how hypnotherapy improves the symptoms of trauma. It has truly enlightened me about something I have believed in and practiced for years. I hope to share this article with you all too.

APA Division 30 is formally known as the American Psychological Association's Division of Psychological Hypnosis. It is one of the divisions within the American Psychological Association (APA), which is the largest professional organization of psychologists in the United States. Division 30 is specifically focused on the study and promotion of hypnosis and its application within the field of psychology.

Hypnotherapy induces a state of deep relaxation, which may be useful for healing from trauma.

Trauma is a universal human experience. A traumatic event may involve anything from interpersonal abuse to a natural disaster to the sudden death of a loved one.

When people struggle to process traumatic events or experiences, it can lead to certain mental health conditions or symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, flashbacks, and more.

Hypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. It’s a type of mind-body treatment for trauma.

A trained and certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist guides you into this deep state of focus and relaxation with verbal cues, repetition, and imagery.

When you’re under hypnosis, this intense level of concentration and focus may allow you to ignore ordinary distractions and be more open to guided suggestions to make changes to improve your health.”

Through the help of a hypnotherapist, you may be able to heal certain symptoms related to trauma you’ve experienced.

Certain studies have shown hypnotherapy to be helpful in the treatment of trauma symptoms, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in some instances.

meta-analysis of six studies on hypnotherapy found that hypnotherapy significantly reduced participants’ PTSD symptoms of intrusion and avoidance. Regardless of the nature of the trauma, participants who received hypnotherapy experienced a reduction in their symptoms.

However, not all studies used the same type of hypnotherapy, which compromised the findings.

Another study found that hypnotherapy can help reduce insomnia in those with combat-related PTSD. In fact, the study found that hypnotherapy, as an additive treatment, decreased intrusive and avoidance symptoms of PTSD and improved sleep.

Researchers have also found that hypnotherapy may be able to reduce depression symptoms. A study comparing the effectiveness of cognitive hypnotherapy, which is hypnosis combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), versus CBT alone, found that cognitive hypnotherapy was more effective in reducing depressionanxiety, and hopelessness.

All info retrieved from the psychcentral.com, read more for the complete article:
