Friday, October 16, 2020

[Review] 马来西亚临床催眠治疗改善焦虑不安 Stress, Phobia and Anxiety Management Malaysia - EL Case


Name: EL



治疗,再配合脑电波的治疗,还记得第一次无意中的发现,才6次的治疗,我的精神紧绷状态得到了松懈,睡眠的质量开始改变,也没有那么容易受惊吓,甚至对怕蛇这事也不会一直处在杯弓蛇影的状态。工作时,头脑很清晰,感觉脑里的链接和运作很轻很清很快,面对紧张的工作,我不再紧张,不再没做就先害怕复杂工作这回事,反之就是觉得自己的执行能力比之前强了很多,头脑清晰很多,当我有这感觉的时候我真的非常开心。说到其他的心里层面,通过几次的催眠治疗,和每晚临睡前做的功课,我开始轻松的接纳了自己的不完美,不再太过于执着,开始不再害怕或担心别人对自己的看法,也不会想太多有的没的了,活在当下轻松的做真正的自己了。 这一连串的治疗,完全没有使用任何的药物,只是通过和营养师的沟通关于什么食物带来脑电波的伤害,调整自己饮食习惯,只需每晚轻松的做临睡前的功课,仅此而已。



Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo. 



Saturday, September 26, 2020

[Case Study] Stress, Tension and Anxiety Management Malaysia - LYH Case


Name: LYH

It was May when I first visit New Mind Brain Health Centre with lots of tension and anxiety. I always felt bad and down in that time. After taking the hypnotherapy care at New Mind, I feel that my perception towards everything has totally changed, I can always see the positive side when something happen which I unable to make it before in my life. Even my anxious feeling come, I can be rational enough to deal with it now. I will strongly recommend to my friends or people around me who have same situation as mine to receive hypnotherapy care at New Mind. Because the treatment here is truly effective and the specialist at this centre are very professional.



Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo. 


Saturday, September 19, 2020

[Case Study] Stress and Sleep Management Malaysia - SS Case



Name: SS

Age: 30+

Job Title: Client Relationship Manager

Heard of New Mind Centre in TV but have not try it until recently where I don’t feel right. (eg: in social,working etc). I did talk about my issues to my friends and family but the feedback is not to the point. Friends and family will include their own way of judgement and emotional. 

That’s where I think I better look for the professional. Thus, New Mind came to my mind. 1st consultation of brainwave screening to find out if more steps required; also what to focus for 2nd consultation and so on. Consultation with Hiro was great.Guide you through what you required. Take 1 of my issue as example, I have issue on sleeping. I am a person who always stay alert 24/7 even when sleeping. This is not a good sign for long term, where health issue, skin issue, all sort of issue came through. 

After the consultation with Hiro, he provided an audio to listen to help me stay relax, focus. Slowly, my sleeping pattern changed, skin started glowing (no more dull skin). The greatest news is my recent health report came back with good result. That’s fantastic! Thank you very much to Hiro and New Mind team members. You guys are awesome! Last but not least, always leave it to professional to do the great job. You will see the difference.




Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo.