Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2016

Jasmine Magazine茉莉杂志 - J Mental by Hiro Koo (June 2016 Issue)

那就去临近书摊找出六月份的<Jasmine Magazine茉莉杂志>,

特别鸣谢Jasmine Magazine给予机会推广身心健康专题<J Mental ‪>

Monday, April 4, 2016

《号外周刊》Special Weekly Magazine 780 issue (1 April 2016) - 行行出达人系列之临床催眠师



大家不妨一阅第780期的《号外周刊》,里头有简述我加入这行的原因哦。话说我成为合法registered hypnotherapist的过程还真不简单啊!从修读心理学,修读临床催眠疗法,修读脑电波反馈疗法和实习等,接着再一步步通过AHPM催眠治疗师协会的审查与训练;这一切就花了我近7年的时间。

Monday, November 16, 2015

Unreserved Magazine | Cover Story - Think Healthy For the Mind, Body and Soul

Currently I am attached to the SOL Integrative Wellness Centre as a clinical hypnotherapist at KL Malaysia, Malaysia. I work closely with psychiatrist, child psychologist, neurotherapistchinese physician, nutritional therapist, naturopath and physiotherapist to offer non-pharmacological therapies for ommon health issues.

What is Neuro-hypnotherapy?
Neuro-hypnotherapy is first of its kind in Malaysia developed by Hiro Koo. It is a technique by combining technology and art of science. It is a safe, non-invasive, drug-free and painless procedure whereby one is able to determine the brainwave state while conducting the neuro-hypnotherapy. To analyse the brainwaves, your clinical hypnotherapist will use the neurotherapytechnology, whereby one can observe the brainwave going into different state such as delta, theta, alpha and beta brainwave while the suggestion is being given by the clinical hypnotherapist during the therapy session, personalized self-hypnosis method will be developed based on the brainwave observation. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

【伊白女王 III】Q-E3 大马时尚美容Magazine (13/07/2015) 催眠 X 焦虑症

“现在你看着我的手,深呼吸,我数 1,2,3… …睡着… …” 很熟悉的对白吧?没错,这就是我们经常在电视或电影里看到的催眠师与主角的对话。催眠师给予你的印象是什么?你对这行业了解有多深?你又是否遇过真正的催眠师呢?
【伊白女王 III】 很感谢临床催眠治疗师Hiro Koo先生接受我们的访问。Mr. Koo将会让我们重新认识什么是催眠,究竟它对我们日常生活当中的作息有什么帮助。小编与亲爱的读者一起上课啦!

Text: 瀞瑩
Edit: Elizabeth
Photography: Chris

Monday, April 13, 2015




  • 受害者被电话催眠后,将陷入恍惚状态Alpha-Theta脑电波状态,逻辑思考能力受限;很容易做出不理智的决定。当你发现对方说的话毫无疑点但同时却觉得困惑不已,或许你几经成为了受害者。(可以透过脑电波反馈疗法EEG biofeedback训练你的逻辑思考,专注力甚至让你变得不容易被影响和催眠)。
  • 当你发现自己变得特别的乖和听话,那或许就是一个被控制的迹象了。
  • 当你发现自己的情绪反应强烈时,你或许已经进入了失控状态。
  • 勇敢的说“不”,跳出恍惚状态,让自己恢复理智。
  • 有的人无法轻易跳出恍惚状态,可以考虑学习自我催眠或者脑电波反馈疗法来帮助自己加强抵御力或增强逻辑思考能力。
  • 催眠是无法控制别人的行为的,因为如果你不愿意合作,没有人可以催眠你的。催眠的功效实际上就是合作与配合度来决定的。只要你不合作,没有人可以催眠你的。

事实上,当你收看这节目或阅读此文章时,你的大脑潜意识就如已经植入了我(临床催眠师的角色就如软件工程师般)给你的初级版防毒程式anti-virus。那么电话催眠罪犯(他们就如hacker般的角色)的病毒virus就比较难对你的潜意识产生影响了(记得勇于说NO! 跳出催眠状态)。如果你想要找寻临床催眠做疗法,建议找有向MSCH或AHPM注册的催眠师。再次特别感谢电视台的化妆师,主持人和工作人员的专业服务与制作。

If scammer is trying to hypnotize you without knowledge, what can you do exactly to not get hypnotized?

Hypnosis is natural, we are all in and out of trance every day. The hypnotic state is a very natural state of physical relaxation and heightened mental awareness whereby an action is felt to "just happen" automatically without conscious effort. For example, when you are driving, you often slip into a trance state where the conscious and unconscious minds appear to concentrate on different things (conscious mind focus and think about the task later on & your unconscious mind is focusing on driving the car). 

Your unconscious mind (hypnotic trance state) just like the part of you which looks out for you. Your action is felt to "just happen" automatically without conscious effort when unconscious mind(hypnotic trance state) is in charge. 
Most of the time it does a good job but sometimes it makes mistakes. For example: Bad habit, eating pattern, phobia, headache, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, light sleeper, anxiety and more. Your hypnotic trance can give rise to problems or solutions, depending on the value of the context.
Thus, clinical hypnotherapist is just like a "software engineer" to help you reprogramming, re-education or re-training your unconscious mind. Then gives your subconscious mind the "anti-virus"software that it needs, to stop it from makes mistakes again. Hypnotherapy are at their best when they are collaborative. So if you don't want to be hypnotized, then you can't be hypnotized. In Malaysia, make sure the hypnotherapist belongs to one of the major governing bodies such as - The Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners, Malaysia (AHPM) which is regulated under the FCNMAM. Yes, AHPM members must adhere to AHPM's ethical, professional and evidence-based practice guidelines.

Scammers are like a hacker. They understand how our unconscious mind (hypnotic trance state) works. They identify possible exploits and hack into your unconscious mind (hypnotic trance state) and put"virus" into your system either through security 'holes' and then you might make mistakes. They can find exploits by using specific technique. Some victims are easier to go into hypnotic trance state than others. Thus, those people "system" are easily hacked. Stop collaborative when you receive their call so you can't be hypnotized. 

However, there are many ways to improve your system, so you won't be hacked easily:
EEG biofeedback/neurotherapy:
Hypnotherapy works with people who are highly suggestible. Highly suggestible people tend to have certain brainwave profiles. They usually have Alphas and Thetas which can be increased easily. These brainwaves are associated with relaxation and dreaminess. That’s why hypnotherapist always ask you to relax, focus and calm down. In some people, these brain waves can increase easily, making them more vulnerable to go into hypnotic trance state. An experienced hypnotherapist (just like software engineer) or scammers(Hacker) can detect it. The good news is that EEG biofeedback therapy can train you to control your brainwaves at will. With this training, you can protect yourself from people who try to exploit your unconscious mind (hypnotic trance state).

Clinical hypnotherapist is just like a "software engineer" to help you reprogramming, re-education or re-training your unconscious mind. Then gives your subconscious mind the "anti-virus" software that it needs, to stop it from makes mistakes again. Yes, if you set your mind against being hypnotized, you can't be hypnotized. However, if you don't realize you're being hypnotized, and so don't know to be resistant, you can sometimes be hypnotized lightly. Thus, experienced clinical hypnotherapist able to identify or guide you to prevent being hypnotized by giving your subconscious mind the "anti-virus"software (hypnotic suggestion). Scientists have found evidence that hypnotic suggestion can modify processing of a targeted stimulus before it reaches consciousness (Suomen Akatemia, 2013). This result indicates that all hypnotic responding can no longer be regarded merely as goal directed mental imagery. It shows that in hypnosis, hypnotic suggestion is possible to create a engrams. Engrams are means by which memory traces are stored as biophysical or biochemical changes in the brain (and other neural tissue) in response to external stimuli.

Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland). (2013, August 13). A hypnotic suggestion can generate true and automatic hallucinations. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 10, 2015 from

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

TV3 Buletin Utama (8th November 2014)

 We're in the News of TV3 Malaysia!
Once again, thanks to all TV3 team members for the opportunity to promote a completely safe, non-drug, natural approach to improving mental focus, concentration, cognitive functions, attention and more (Brain Trainer/EEG biofeedback and neuro-hypnotherapy) to the public.

Monday, October 6, 2014

We're on TV - Astro小太阳《你好奇的事 III》(第3 集:催眠治疗师)


姿姿从电视节目上看见,当某人被催眠师催眠后,他会依照催眠师的指示做出不同的动作。姿姿很好奇催眠师究竟有什么魔力控制别人的行为。于是她就依样葫芦,拿起怀表在珠珠面前摇晃,尝试催眠她。珠珠不想当姿姿的试验品,于是就带她到Spectrum Of Life保健中心寻找催眠师Mr Koo解答疑团。


Mr Koo 说,很多人以为催眠师能控制别人的行为,其实是被电视节目或电影的剧情影响。事实上,催眠师并没有控制别人思想或者行为的能力。被催眠的人虽然看起来是在睡眠状态,但他的头脑依然保持清醒和有意识的。催眠是一种心理治疗的方法,催眠师会通过特殊的技巧引导被催眠的人高度集中注意力,进入放松状态,唤醒人的潜意识。然后催眠师就会从人的潜意识上进行调整,从而改善他们的情绪和习惯等等。



对催眠有了初步了解后,姿姿和珠珠对催眠治疗更感兴趣了。她们很好奇到底催眠治疗能对人们带来什么帮助。Mr Koo解释说,催眠治疗的范围很广泛,一些疾病或心理障碍都能透过催眠治疗而痊愈。例如某些人在面对外人时会产生恐惧,而出现口吃、心悸、脸红等状况,他可以透过催眠治疗来克服恐惧,提高自信心,令口吃、心悸和脸红的问题不药而愈。除此之外,催眠治疗也能帮助人们摆脱创伤、焦虑、强迫症、紧张、冲动等情绪。催眠还能帮助人回溯过去,透过催眠疗法能让人对某件事的认知进行调整。


姿姿和珠珠都曾经在电视上看见一些被催眠的人情绪不稳定而失控大哭,她们很好奇为什么会出现那样的状况。她们也很想知道催眠治疗会不会有危险。为了找出答案,她们再次去请教Mr Koo。Mr Koo说,催眠治疗是非侵入性的疗法,而且被催眠的人本身也有危险意识,所以催眠治疗并没有危险性。可是在治疗的过程中,某些被催眠的人会因为被唤醒过去伤痛的回忆,而产生强烈的情绪反应例如哭泣、焦虑或身体的挣扎等等。





资料来源: Astro 小太阳

Friday, August 29, 2014

Our Services on Newspaper Headline (29 August 2014)

Nanyang Siang Pau Newspaper Headline 南洋商报头条新闻 (29 August 2014)
Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz was sitting on my clinical hypnotherapy chair and checking his brainwaves. 

China Press Newspaper  中国报(29 August 2014)
Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz was sitting on my clinical hypnotherapy chair and checking his brainwaves. 

 Harian Metro (29 August 2014)
Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz was sitting on my clinical hypnotherapy chair and checking his brainwaves. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

International Seminar On Autism Malaysia 2014

Brain Trainer (Neurotherapy) has proven to be a very effective treatment methodology for autism and sensory disorders in children and adults.
Yes, we run a booth there.
 We coordinate the highest quality health care for everyone.
If you want to find out more about neurotherapy, make an appointment with us now.


Video clip about our services for people with Autism.
Video taken from Astro Arwani News: