Showing posts with label CBTI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBTI. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Cognitive behavioral hypnotherapy for insomnia treatment Malaysia

At New Mind Brain Health Centre,
our approach used is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy integrated with clinical hypnotherapy.
CBT for Insomnia (CBTI) is an excellent example of the application of cognitive behavioural therapy and so can become a good introduction to the CBT model. Clinical hypnosis and neurofeedback integrates particularly with CBTI – both in terms of inducing rest (leading to sleep) – but also with changing unhelpful habits and associations. Yes, we offer the cognitive behavioral hypnotherapy for insomnia treatment in Malaysia.

How does cognitive behavioral hypnotherapy for insomnia work?

The cognitive part of CBT-I teaches you to recognize and change beliefs that affect your ability to sleep. This type of therapy can help you control or eliminate negative thoughts and worries that keep you awake.
The behavioral part of CBT-I helps you develop good sleep habits and avoid behaviors that keep you from sleeping well.
In addition we will bring a greater focus on relaxation and sleep induction methods (including hypnotic sleep induction) and the use of hypnotherapy to change poor sleep habits and beliefs (e.g. negative expectations about sleeping) – as well as the use of hypnosis to mitigate the effects of a poor nights sleep.
Depending on your needs, we may recommend some of these CBT-I techniques combined with clinical hypnosis/neurofeedback in your treatment plan:
  • Stimulus control therapy. This method helps remove factors that condition your mind to resist sleep. For example, you might be coached to set a consistent bedtime and wake time and avoid naps, use the bed only for sleep and sex, and leave the bedroom if you can't go to sleep within 20 minutes, only returning when you're sleepy.
  • Sleep restriction. Lying in bed when you're awake can become a habit that leads to poor sleep. This treatment reduces the time you spend in bed, causing partial sleep deprivation, which makes you more tired the next night. Once your sleep has improved, your time in bed is gradually increased.
  • Sleep hygiene. This method of therapy involves changing basic lifestyle habits that influence sleep, such as smoking or drinking too much caffeine late in the day, drinking too much alcohol, or not getting regular exercise. It also includes tips that help you sleep better, such as ways to wind down an hour or two before bedtime.
  • Sleep environment improvement. This offers ways that you can create a comfortable sleep environment, such as keeping your bedroom quiet, dark and cool, not having a TV in the bedroom, and hiding the clock from view.
  • Relaxation training. This method helps you calm your mind and body. Approaches include mindfulness informed hypnotherapy technique, imagery, muscle relaxation and others.
  • Remaining passively awake. Also called paradoxical intention, this involves avoiding any effort to fall asleep. Paradoxically, worrying that you can't sleep can actually keep you awake. Letting go of this worry can help you relax and make it easier to fall asleep.
  • EEG Biofeedback/Neurofeedback. This method allows you to observe biological signs such as brainwaves and coach you how to adjust them. This information can help identify patterns that affect sleep.
The most effective treatment approach may combine several of these methods.
We will encourage you to come for initial screening session first to understand which treatment plan is more suitable for you. The professional fee for initial screening (an hour) is RM190 only.  
Feel free to whatsapp (+60167154419) us to know more info or schedule your first visit.

Info adopted from: