Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2022

[Review] 创伤导向催眠治疗,改善自律神经失调反应 - Miss SY

Review from Miss SY:



我上网查询找到New Mind决定试试脑电波和催眠疗法。催眠不是什么魔法,是古老又先进的心理治疗或调节模式。最深刻的是老师引导我去寻找过去的自己,未治愈的自己。让我察觉到自己内在的声音需要被聆听,也学会安抚内在的小孩。在老师的引导下渐渐发现自己的抗压视窗变大了,懂得怎么管理情绪允许它们的流动,更懂得怎么正视内心的声音,拥抱内在的小孩,让他重新长大。表达能力也提升了,也学会设定边界,亲密关系的质量也大大提升。 感谢生命中发生的一切让我有机会来到New Mind遇见Dr Hiro 开始了有趣的自我探索之旅。大脑真的很神奇,每一堂课后都像是一次又一次的醒悟,对自己有了更深层的了解,不断提升心灵上的成长。这种成长是言语表达不出来也摸不着的东西。每个人都可以拥有属于自己的力量和温柔,只是需要被启发,找到真我,活出自我。

*The Tree-Drawing Test: Left as Before treatment (February) and Right as After treatment (September)。
Dr Hiro的话:

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Dr Hiro Koo

Thursday, September 8, 2022

[Review] Dissociation Symptoms, Childhood Trauma and Relational Trauma Responses - Miss K

I had experienced numbness/decreased of touch sensory, unable to anticipate speed of car of differentiate directions (blur) on the road or cross road without any help, the first time after my PMR examination which lasted a month. Since then, I will have these experiences after very stressful event or when I don't get proper rest. For the past years, I had been visiting many clinics, hospitals, tried to get explanation on the above but all I get was it's the fault of diabetes (I'm a diabetic patient).

Due to certain incidents during childhood, I no longer have deep peaceful sleep. Slightest sound can even move me up. Even went through psychiatrist for help but the above still happens with conditions worsen until a doctor advised to approach clinical psychologist/psychiatrist. 

(Then eventually, the client found us, clinical hypnotherapy and neurofeedback practitioner)

For the first time, I able to get answers that I have been looking for so many years during the first assessment session. Since then, I started my therapy here. The very first brain training, I was able to have a goodnight sleep that night. However, both trainings results don't always maintain positive results as my brain trying to "fight back". As time goes by, slowly I realised that I no longer troubled by lots of thoughts and my sleep quality has very significant improvements. 

What surprised me the most is that there's a way to prove the impact of certain "injuries" and that it can be healed as well just like a visible wound which will leaves scars but not pain. Going thru the process of brain trainings and hypnotherapy, for me, it’s like cleaning a neglected wound. You will feel the “pain” during the “cleaning of the pus” for a few times then only the wound can “healed” healthy. 

I’m grateful and thankful that I have found New Mind Centre just in time when I needed it the most in my life and I can now able to lead my life normally with the knowledge and training that I have been thru. 

My sincere thanks to Dr. Hiro, Ms Tianni and all members of staffs during my session here. 

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Thursday, August 11, 2022

[Review] Trauma-Informed Intervention for the Anxiety, Fear, Depression and Medically Unexplained Symptoms - Miss CT


感谢Hiro让我找到了自己!在还没有来到NEW MIND BRAIN HEALTH CENTRE的时候,我总是感到特别焦虑,忧郁,害怕,心里总会莫名感到害怕,脑子里总有千万个担心,也发现到自己对很多事情都越来越无感,似乎没有特别的感觉,感觉自己特别无能没用,也常觉得自己做的不够好,甚至觉得自己的存在很多余,有着轻生的念头,随着情绪的不稳定,身体也渐渐越来越多毛病,整天都感觉全身上下都不舒服,有一段时间又突然天天头晕,做什么都感到无力,只想睡觉,当然也去见了心理医生(精神科),但是服用药物之后,情况一直也没有好转。

直到通过朋友的介绍来做了脑电波检测(Brain Mapping Assessment)后就决定接受Hiro的治疗,很感谢缘分让我来到这里,找到了自己,通过整个疗程让我更清楚了,了解自己情绪的根源,也知道自己活着的意义,不像以前那样总是感到焦虑恐惧了,当然最重要的是学会了当情绪来临时该怎么处理好,从中也学会了人与人之间的底线,自我的权力,觉知,真正的爱自己,聆听自己的内心声音,保护好自己的内心


Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Saturday, July 30, 2022

【Review】成功改善情绪不稳定和身体上的痛 - Case 菁Jing

记得2年多前的MCO反反复复的开关, 这导致了我患有情绪压抑。在今年一月的机缘巧合底下在电台(988)听到Hiro Koo博士的访谈。于是便登门接受治疗和了解创伤的伤害性。



Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Saturday, September 4, 2021

[Review] 马来西亚创伤导向催眠治疗改善情绪与脑雾问题Emotional and Brain Fog Treatment Malaysia - F Case


As far as my memory recalls, at the age of 7 I was exposed to family violence, verbal abuse, emotional and physical neglects. Growing up very unhappy, filled with anger, frustrations, emotional turmoil, lack of confidence, low self esteem and rebel. When I was 18, I have suspected myself on the road to bipolar and depression but it did not affect my academic performance thus I went on to University studies, got into relationship and started working after graduate.

In the third year of my working life one day there is a snapping sound in the brain, and I started to have blank memories, difficulty to recall daily task, foggy mind, nausea, it affects my daily functioning of talking, thinking, recalling could not function normal at work, and almost lose the ability of self-management. At the same time my beloved grandpa passed on and the break of a 7-year romantic relationship got me into a total breakdown.

I am emotionally unstable, either crying, mood down, agitated or scolding. Little hiccups/small issue can trigger my anger.

At that moment, I also have symptoms of confusion, unable to recall things where is my keys? Where did I park my car? What was the conversation 1 min ago? I can only function with the help of mobile phone by referring to recorded communication on whatsapp, email and sms.

I think very slowly, slow to react and slow in giving responses to external stimulation. Feeling drowsy day and night, I only want to sleep and have no interest in daily activities including hobbies. No urge to explore new areas, meet new people and learn new skills.

This condition have lasted for a year and when I started a new job it was very hard to focus, my mind is always pull to elsewhere, there are voices in the head asking to jump off from the building. One day my colleague introduces Hiro Koo from Brain Health Centre. He is a certified psychotherapist with effective track records and continuous learning, last meeting with Hiro he is in the progress of PHD studies. That was April 2021. I started with brainwave scan to get an overview of my brain condition and continue with 6 sessions with Hiro Koo. On the first and second sessions my emotions got stabilized, without crying and scolding but my mind still in a floating state. Third sessions onwards the mind began to be intact for once and the brain mind slowly back in 1 piece and Hiro has taught on many coping skills and important techniques to protect the healthy state of mind. Setting up personal boundaries, nothing bad to ask for help just to mention few techniques among the many Hiro has taught on.


Last session on 20 Aug 2021, I have achieved 80% of clearing childhood trauma, hurts and 50% recovery on memory, brain functioning, 50% of happiness and counting on. The road to recovery was a blend of religious faith, physical exercise, sufficient Vitamin supplements and very important that Hiro’s consultation is a boost on top of all these. His set of therapy session gives a clear direction, is effective and result- oriented. In the short period of 4 months I am able to have fast recovery on cognitive functioning, stable emotions, better focus, increased confidence level, healthier self esteem plus point with new skills and techniques on interpersonal / romantic relationships and communication. His consultation was reasonable priced and it was a good investment on self. Should I not meet Hiro, I would have even lost my current job!

Big thank you to Hiro and team, his other consultants are professional and informative, admin staff are warm and friendly. Hiro is also a good choice to working professional who are facing daily work stress and relationship difficulty. Highly recommended and SAFE! Take Care and continue your passion.



Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Friday, July 23, 2021

[Client Review] Depression and Anxiety Intervention in Malaysia - Client SF


在New Mind 接受了一年的催眠治疗还有脑电波回馈治疗。这里的治疗师都很专业和礼貌。感谢Hiro, Jun Ming, Suki。认识New Mind的治疗师们后,我才发现我的忧郁症和焦虑症的源头来自于我的心理创伤。曾经发生的事情原来不能像电脑系统那样一键删除。即使开启了遗忘模式强逼自己放下那些不开心的事情,最终,身、心也不曾忘记。来到这里,我才察觉到这些在我成长过程中经历的重大事件已默默、深深影响了我的生活。除了药物治疗,我也接受心理治疗。我必须承认两者需要一起进行才能获得更好的效果。我相信每个人都有自己的故事,只是不是每个人都想提起。那些不愉快的事情,我们终究要接受才能让自己的情绪有个出口。走出沮丧这个阶段,也许就找到了内心的平静也没有必要一直把自己困在悲伤里长期饱受心灵上的痛苦与折磨。创伤它虽然给我们带来伤害但,也可以不专注与创伤这个污点,我们能更多的专注于生活的各种细节。结束在New Mind的治疗,我希望自己能够坦然面对以后面遇到的困难。祝福New Mind 的成员。谢谢你们。

I received hypnotherapy and brain training for a year at New Mind. The therapists here are professional and friendly. A big thanks to Hiro, Jun Ming, Suki. Before I met the therapists at New Mind, I discovered that I was suffering from depression and anxiety. Things that have happened can’t be deleted with one click like a computer system. Here, I discovered that these events that I experienced during my growth process have profoundly affected my life. In addition to medication, I also received psychotherapy. Trauma can hurt us at the same time, we can also not focus on the taint of trauma. We can focus more on various details of life. After my treatment at New Mind, I hope I can face the difficulties in the future calmly. Best wishes to the members of New Mind. thank you all.


Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Monday, July 19, 2021

[Client Review] Hypnosis During Pregnancy 催眠克服孕吐和怀孕期间的焦虑感 (Client S)

Review from Client S






我一直希望怀的是男宝,不是因为重男轻女,是害怕她会像我小时候被人比较,忽视,没有被爱的感觉 (或者害怕看到小时候的自己),经过Hiro老师的引导,我认知到我不需要害怕,反而庆幸有观察到这点,将来也可以让宝宝有更正确的关心和爱。之后的治疗也克服了焦虑时常常产生不必要的担心,可以平抚和调整自己的心情及想法,真的非常感谢Hiro在这段时间的advice! 







 Source of photo:


Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Sunday, May 9, 2021

[Client Review] Training for slow learner in KL (Slow Learning in Children)



AGE: 44

TOWN: Kuala Lumpur

JOB TITLE: Housewife



My daughter, 9, who is superb slow in action, reaction, speaking and learning (since born) getting much improved after 7 months of Brain Training (neurofeedback) and SSP Training. 

Right now she is much more responsive, talk-active, perceptual awareness, stronger mind, more lively and cheerful as a normal child. Surprisingly, she also able to read and write more quickly.

Thank you very much, especially to JM, TN and others in NEW MIND that help and encourage my daughter during this journey, she is not alone! Much appreciated!


*Beside SSP and Neurofeedback training, Madam AY also learned sleep talk technique and practicing it in daily basic on the child



Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo.