Monday, March 4, 2024

The Art of New Mind Card Application Workshop

在昨天的工作坊中,除了教授大家如何使用我们研发的New Mind Card进行自我探索之外,我们也共同学习了许多自我安抚“心理的伤”的技术。工作坊开始前,我们首先了解参与者的身心状态,并确保他们签署了Informed Consent。此外,我们还安排了3位催眠师,随时准备应付课程中学员们可能出现的任何过激情绪反应或其他状况。工作坊的编排也是以创伤知情的方式构建,这样参与者就能够感觉到足够的身心安全感,并更好地投入到整个学习过程中。


特别感谢我们的音疗师团队给予的Bonus, 45分钟的Sound Healing给了在场的参与者非常棒的体验,许多人都说晚上睡得特别沉呢!接下来我们会在每一场的New Mind Card工作坊尝试安排一些特别或新鲜的体验,让大家可以有更棒的疗愈体验。
如果您对参加下一次工作坊感兴趣,请通过直接Whatsapp 0167154419 (注明想参加的“The Art of New Mind Card Application Workshop”)。来临的一场将在6月16日(星期天,上午10点至下午6点)举办。

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

HypnoFertility Malaysia by Dr Hiro Koo

1 in 6 people globally face infertility issues. According to the latest report from WHO in 2023, infertility has a significant impact, with 17.5% of adults having experienced infertility challenges. There is a crucial need to provide high-quality, affordable fertility care to those affected. Infertility is a public health concern that requires more attention and support (WHO, 2023).

Our center's Dr. Hiro Koo is a certified hypnotherapist in the UK's easibirthing fertility method. In addition to teaching self-hypnosis methods for IVF as an adjunctive therapy, he can also help address unidentified psychological factors and lifestyle habits that may affect fertility. Our center also offers holistic approaches such as professional counseling, neurofeedback training, or other complementary therapies to cultivate a conducive mind-body environment for parenting the next generation.
To learn more about how our services can be customized as an adjunctive therapy to assist you during your conception process, we recommend scheduling an initial consultation to explore our Hypno Fertility program. Feel free to DM us to arrange an Initial Screening or WhatsApp us (or Scan QR Code) at 0167154419.

Do you know?
For those facing infertility issues, research shows that hypnotherapy significantly improves psychological stress and preparedness for conception, while also reducing anxiety and depression. Mind-body interventions enhance the success rates of fertility, providing comprehensive psychological support for women preparing for pregnancy. #Hypnotherapy #HolisticHealing #FertilitySupport (Erdemoğlu & Aksoy Derya, 2022).

Recent studies have found that when receiving mind-body interventions, such as self-hypnosis and biofeedback, there is a significant improvement in anxiety, depression, quality of life, and pregnancy rates. Tailored mind-body intervention programs facilitate pregnancy, reigniting hope for couples to become parents (Ha & Ban, 2021). In the face of infertility challenges, psychological stress and mood disorders are obstacles. Research suggests that reasonable psychological healing improves the psychological capacity related to infertility and may increase successful pregnancy rates (Doyle & Carballedo, 2014).


Doyle, M., & Carballedo, A. (2014). Infertility and
mental health. Advances in Psychiatric
Treatment, 20(5), 297–303.

Erdemoğlu, Ç., & Aksoy Derya, Y. (2022). The effect of hypnofertility on fertility preparedness, stress, and coping with stress in women having in vitro fertilization: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. Advance online publication.

Ha, J.-Y., & Ban, S.-H. (2021). Effects of Mind–Body Programs, Including Self-Hypnosis and Biofeedback, on Infertile Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Asian Nursing Research, 15(2), 77–88.

Ju-Young Ha, Hyo-Jin Park, & Seon-Hwa Ban. (2023). Efficacy of psychosocial interventions for pregnancy rates of infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 44(1). DOI: 10.1080/0167482X.2022.2142777

Rooney, K. L., & Domar, A. D. (2018). The relationship between stress and infertility. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 20(1), 41–47.

World Health Organization. (2023, April 4). 1 in 6 people globally affected by infertility, new WHO report shows. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Exciting Insights and Collaborations at the 7th Singapore Hypnotism Conference 2024

I had the great honor of being invited to participate in the 7th Singapore Hypnotherapy Conference organized by the Association of Hypnosis Professionals Singapore (AHPS Singapore) in conjunction with the World Hypnotism Day. It was a fantastic opportunity to share my expertise through a special lecture on my research-related topics.

Upon arrival, I was pleasantly surprised to witness the enthusiasm of numerous AHPS members attending the 7th edition of the hypnotherapy conference in Singapore. The event was truly invigorating, bringing together professionals from Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia, including psychiatrists, hypnotists, hypnotherapists, psychologists, and counseling experts. Their passion for the field of hypnotherapy was palpable.

The conference facilitated networking and discussions among professionals who shared a keen interest in the practice of hypnotherapy. It was encouraging to observe the growing adoption of hypnotherapeutic techniques in clinical settings such as hospitals and clinics in Singapore. This trend suggests an increasing recognition of hypnotherapy within mainstream medical environments.

Our interactions led to the exchange of ideas, discussions on the current dynamics of the hypnotherapy industry in Southeast Asia, and even proposals for co-hosting future hypnotherapy conferences in the coming years. The prospect of collaborative efforts in organizing such events is indeed thrilling!