Friday, July 14, 2023

(Event) Mental Health Webinar: Managing Social Anxiety


Just gave a mental health promotion talk on how to manage social anxiety. 

I shared my doctoral study findings regarding the prevalence of anxiety issues and subclinical mental health concerns surrounding the topic of anxiety, which is also the focus of my PhD thesis. 

At the end of the workshop, the participants gave positive reviews about the talk. The majority of them found the topic helpful, and I heard that some of them hope for more topics related to hypnotherapy, which is my area of expertise. 

I also received feedback that my personal experience of having social anxiety symptoms also helped them to relate to these symptoms better. This really made my day, as I hope more people can start to become aware of their body-mind symptoms, which could be the first step toward healing. 

I would like to thank the clinical psychologist trainees here and the master's students in clinical psychology from USM-UPSI for initiating this project and organizing the talk. I hope more people become aware of the benefits of hypnotherapy in managing anxiety symptoms.

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