Showing posts with label panic attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label panic attack. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2021

[Review] 马来西亚临床催眠治疗改善恐慌症症状Panic Attack Treatment Malaysia - Mr A Case


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名字:MR. A

你好,我叫MR. A 焦虑和恐惧在去年找上了我。当时,我还以为人士即将走到了尽头,心跳加快,手脚发冷,全身发抖等等超级难受。我还以为我患上了什么病,到处求医,到最后才知道得了焦虑症和恐慌。



Name: MR. A

Hi, I am Mr. A anxious and panic come to me last year. At the time, I thought is the end of my life, racing heartbeat, cold hands and feet, trembling and others, very uncomfortable. I thought I was suffering in a kind of illness, seek medical advice everywhere, at the end only know I am in anxiety and panic.

I tried many different methods, and finally found clinical hypnotherapy. in the short period of three months, I improved my life and how to deal with anxious and panic. Now, I am more relax and have a new perspective about the meaning of life.


 Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

[Review] 自律神经失调Dysautonomia Symptoms Treatment | Malaysia - YK Case

Name: YK
Age: 40
Town: Kuala Lumpur
Job title: Housewife/Homemade baker


接受治疗已一年了, 我恐慌的症状与自律神经失调的症状已开始慢慢地改善。当恐慌发作时,我已能慢慢地应付与调整,所以发作的程度已没那么的严重,也没往医院跑了。在情绪方面,也开始好转到能正面,乐观的看待事情。

以前的我,常处于低落,沮丧的状态,但现在,我异能开心,愉快了起来。 学习到了慢活的好处,放松的节奏,最重要的,我也找回了对烘焙的热诚。虽然我的情况时好时坏,但已不像以前那么严重了。起码已在好转的阶段中。现在我依然在接受治疗,因为我不想半途而废,也因为看到了好转的效果。期待着我有痊愈的一天。 

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Trauma, PTSD, and Panic Disorder Treatment in Malaysia

TSD and panic disorder commonly co-occur. This may not be surprising given that people who have experienced a traumatic event or have PTSD are at a heightened risk to develop a number of other psychiatric disorders, such as depression, substance use disorders, or other anxiety disorders. One anxiety disorder that is commonly found among people with a history of traumatic exposure or PTSD is panic disorder.

What is Panic Disorder?

To have a diagnosis of panic disorder, you need to meet the following criteria as described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV).
First, you need to have experienced a panic attack. Most people know whether or not they have experienced a panic attack. It can be an incredibly frightening experience. The DSM-IV describes a panic attack as the experience of intense fear or discomfort where four or more of the following things are felt:
  • pounding heart or increased heart rate
  • sweating
  • trembling or shaking
  • feeling as though you are being smothered or having difficulties breathing
  • choking
  • chest pain or discomfort
  • nausea or abdominal pains and/or discomfort
  • feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or faint
  • feeling as though things around you are unreal or feeling detached from yourself
  • feeling as though you are going to lose control or go crazy
  • fear of dying
  • numbness or tingling in extremities
  • chills or hot flashes
In addition, to have a diagnosis of panic disorder, you must have experienced recurrent, unexpected panic attacks. These are panic attacks that just pop up "out of the blue." For example, a person may be in their car and all of a sudden they experience a sudden rush of fear and terror (a panic attack).
At least one of the attacks must also be followed by one month or more of one or more of the following experiences:
  • Concern about having additional panic attacks
  • Worry about the consequences or implications of a panic attack. For example, a person may think to themselves during a panic attack that they are having a heart attack and are going to die.
  • A change in behavior because of the attacks. For example, a person may avoid certain places where a panic attack has occurred.
Finally, it is important to mention that someone can experience panic attacks and not have panic disorder. Panic attacks are actually quite common. In fact, as many as 12% of people may experience a panic attack at some point in their lifetime.

Trauma, PTSD, and Panic Disorder

Approximately 5% of people will develop panic disorder at some point in their lifetime. However, these rates may be higher among people who have experienced a traumatic event. A large number of people who have experienced a traumatic event report that they had a panic attack following the event. In addition, approximately 30% of people who have experienced a traumatic event also report experiencing unexpected panic attacks.
In particular, one study found high rates of childhood sexual abuse (41%) and physical abuse (59%) among women with panic disorder.
Another study found high rates of sexual molestation (24% for women and 5% for men) and physical abuse as a child (around 14% for both men and women) among people with panic disorder. Women with panic disorder have also been found to report high rates of rape (23%).
Besides simply traumatic exposure, panic disorder also commonly co-occurs with PTSD. Specifically, around 7% of men and 13% of women with PTSD also have panic disorder.


Fortunately, there are effective treatments available for both panic disorder and PTSD.
In addition, there are a number of options available for people seeking treatment for PTSD. Some of the symptoms of PTSD may place a person at risk for panic attacks, especially the hyperarousal symptoms. In addition, the physical health problems and unhealthy behaviors (for example, smoking and substance use) that often associated with PTSD may increase the likelihood that panic attacks are experienced. By treating a person's PTSD, then, the risk for the experience of panic attacks may be lessened.
Clinical issues are highly treatable with our Psychological Hypnosis Method (Psychotherapy & Clinical Hypnosis). We are also one of the few clinical neurofeedback training service providers in Malaysia (Bangsar South). Our mental health care service also offers great advantages as an adjunct to standard medical management. We're happy to relieve your symptoms and improve your quality of life. We are committed to providing quality therapy in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment.
Read our review to know more about how we manage to help PTSD, Trauma and Panic Disorder Cases:



Sunday, May 13, 2018

Clinical Neurofeedback Training Malaysia for Panic Attack

Panic attack is a mental illness associated with pathological levels of anxiety that is represented by sudden onset of horror or fear of its reappearance in sufferer. The attacks is characterized with symptoms like heartbeat, sweat, feeling chest tight, tremble, feeling losing balance, or confusion, although they happen in a few minutes. The sufferer, afraid of the emergence of a new attack, may get into anticipatory anxiety and refusing to go to hideous places. 

            Panic disorder is often associated with agoraphobia, and is fear of being alone in public places especially places that are difficult to escape perceived by a panic attack on the person. Panic attack can occur after injuring stress mental disorders, depression disorders and medical illnesses such as drug discontinuation or its poisoning.

            Neurofeedback targets the parts of the brain at the cause of this reaction in an effort to retrain the brain to function more efficiently so the “fight or flight” response is not triggered. The brain learns how to cope with anxiety and fear appropriately during neurofeedback sessions resulting in an overall decrease in anxiety, mood improvement, and increase in daily function. In other words, neurofeedback can help you calm the struggle so you can live with reduced emotional distress caused by panic disorder.

            In past research and review studies, neurofeedback therapy is found to be helpful in regulating metabolic function in brain. Through neurofeedback, panic attack sufferers learn how to strengthen their brain metabolic. The findings reveal that neurofeedback remains its consistency in improving panic disorder patients’ anxiety. This significance suggests that neurofeedback is an effective complementary alternative therapy for common unpleasant anxiety in panic attack sufferers.

Benioudakis, E. S., Kountzaki, S., Batzou, K., Markogiannaki, K., Seliniotaki, T., Darakis, E. … Nestoros, J. N. (2016). Can neurofeedback decrease anxiety and fear in cancer patients? A case study. Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 25(1), 59-65.
Birbaumer, N., Ruiz, S., & Sitaram, R. (2013). Learned regulation of brain metabolism. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(6), 295-302.             
Hammond, D. C. (2005). Neurofeedback with anxiety and affective disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14(1), 105-123.
Lu, Y., Wang, C., Su, L., Ma, Z., Li, S., & Fan, Y. (2017). Effects of neurofeedback on panic disorder patients’ anxiety. NeuroQuantology, 15(3), 172-8.