Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2014

MH17 news: Use hypnotherapy to deal with grief

One of my friends from Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioners, Malaysia (AHPM) talks about how to use hypnotherapy to deal with grief. We have started our corporate social responsibility service with an aim to help MH17 and MH370 victim's family. Feel free to contact me if you know anyone of the victim's family.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

[TALK] Sharing session for applied psychology students at UTAR

I have been invited by UTAR lecturer to give a talk about clinical hypnotherapy and biofeedback. I really enjoy my work and I hope that I can make a difference in the world. Yes, you can change the world by helping one person at a time. I hope to inspire more students to enter the helping professions.

In searching out a professional Clinical Hypnotherapist I recommend you follow these:
1. Check that the Hypnotherapist is registered with a professional body and has undergone a structured programme of training that has included practical experience using the tools of hypnosis.
2. When you arrive at the Hypnotherapists consulting room check out that it feels professional.
3. Always check the Hypnotherapist has professional indemnity insurance.
There can be no doubt that Clinical Hypnotherapy is one of the fastest and safest treatments helping people who are desperate to overcome a debilitating condition. But you are well advised to tread carefully.


 Thanks for the hamper!
I hope it was an engaging and fruitful sharing session for all who attended.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Personalized Self Hypnosis

As stress feeds on stress, then why not breaking the cycle?
You may want to consider personalized self hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis is a form of hypnosis that you can perform on yourself. 
Self hypnosis is the obvious choice to help increase a person’s brain wave coherence, decrease anxiety, eliminate irritability, beat depression, let go of mood swings, improve your memory as well as your ability to learn and your ability for self-realization. 

Hypnosis will increase your feeling of youthfulness. It rejuvenates feelings of vitality, leading you to a more positive outlook in life. 
If you want to feel joyful and stable, hypnosis is the best choice. 
Here are a few more benefits of hypnosis that can help you: 
  • relaxation to the person’s the body, mind, and soul, 
  • rejuvenation of energy to face the heavy challenges and stress ahead, 
  • healing of various illnesses that are closely-associated with the mind and the body, 
  • making a more stable person in terms of emotions, 
  • developments of relaxed family life and instilling positive outlooks in life to younger people, 
  • enhances the person’s ability to make his or her mind function properly, 
  • letting a person discover his or her inner self, this in turn releases the creativity in the, 
  • it helps people to free themselves from various vices and addictions such as alcohol and cigarettes as well as in various medications such as tranquilizers and narcotics, 
  • it also helps a person to gain higher self-confidence, thus, resulting to stronger power of the will, 
  • it helps you to reduce your risk of cancer, high blood pressure, and slow down the aging process.
  • it can be an effective and safe way of discovering one’s self instead of focusing the attention to other unhealthy practices, and 
  • it aids in the development of the power of the mind
The list goes on about the benefits of self hypnosis.  

Our clinical hypnotherapy combined innovative EEG brainwave monitoring technology.
The first of its kind in Malaysia!
We will guide you into a very calm and relaxed state of mind with our cutting edge technology.
We will monitor and assess your self hypnosis skill via EEG brainwaves monitoring technology.
Contact me if you want to experience an unique,exclusive,customized, personalized self hypnosis session in Malaysia.


Monday, June 23, 2014


1、神经症:抑郁症,酒瘾症,烟瘾症,强迫症,焦虑症,紧张症,恐惧症,口吃症,怯场症,自卑症,厌食症,固执症,恐病症,厌学症,疑病症,网瘾症,神经 官能症,妄自菲薄症,自我完美症,自毁自贱症,神经衰弱症,脾气暴躁症,过度压力症,惶恐不安症,自信缺乏症,书写痉挛症,过度食欲症,食欲缺乏症,情感 挫折症,失恋痛苦症,亲子代沟症,择业茫然症,精神紧张症,离休综合症,抑郁自闭症,社交恐怖症,产后忧郁症 




5、其他用途:增强自信心,增强行动力,提升销售业绩不良习惯的改变,提高记忆力,提高学习能力,克服恐惧,如戒酒,戒烟,减肥,减轻压力,术后镇痛,疼 痛控制,无痛分娩,减轻癌和关节疼痛,改善肌体抵抗力,破坏或消除由于病毒引起的湿疣和其他疾病等等,年龄回溯,前世回溯。

(1) 催眠可以建立信心,肯定自我价值:改善你的自我观感,导正负面行为。增进自信与自许,强化自尊,善处逆境心情。 
(2) 催眠可以增加心灵财富:心灵财富丰富的人,是对自己满足的,金钱无处不在,当你需要时,它自然能出现,让我们时时刻刻丰富自己的心灵。 
(3) 催眠可以控制体重与饮食问题:更新饮食习惯,促成体重增减,维持适当目标体重,增强体能与运动动机。 
(4) 催眠可以消除睡眠困扰:脱离事务、职业烦恼。自我催眠带来欲睡前奏,醒来有如充电饱满。 
(5) 催眠可以处理生活各式压力:学习减压或消除压力技巧,改善特殊行为模式,降低血压,放松身心。 
(6) 催眠可以掌握演说能力:不再害臊,终止羞怯。获得谈话信心,消除面谈紧张,降低演出、 演讲或讲课的恐惧。 
(7) 催眠可以终止焦虑、恐慌、恐惧与恐怖症:消除对事务的恐惧,如登高、航空旅行、人群、蜘蛛、疾病等。学习面对事务之不同反应,以新的正确的态度克服恐惧。 
(8) 催眠可以改善生活品质:以积极的动机,目标的设定及达成,实现个人的满足。以成功般的满足舒适心灵。 
(9) 催眠可以克服学习困难:增强教学技巧,改善学习习惯,提升记忆力与集中力,导正学习态度,增强应试技巧。 
(10) 催眠可以增强运动表现:强化运动成效,集中重点,启发成功感、胜利感、成就感。增强毅力与协调性。增强全方位的意向态度。 
(11) 催眠可以提升个人创造力:开启写作、绘画、表演艺术潜能。启动创作动机。增强洞察力,问题解决能力。 
(12) 催眠可以促进健康身体:缓解及减低慢性病症状,如结肠炎、肌肉痉挛和溃疡。控制气喘、偏头痛等。缓解皮肤疾病。改善免疫系统与促进自然痊愈。 
(13) 催眠可以疼痛控制:安全、自然的方法以替代麻醉,如外科手术止痛、烧伤止痛,牙医止痛等。控制慢性病的病痛,如关节炎或背痛。 
(14) 催眠可以革除坏习惯建立新习惯:增强积极动力,提升正面行为。消除负向思考,解脱忿怒、忧郁、挫折。 
(15) 催眠可以协助自然生产:减低疼痛,轻松分娩,恢复迅速,建立亲子亲密关系。 
(16) 催眠可以解除感情与肉体创伤:重现并去除人生创伤或悲剧事件。搜寻记忆,年龄回溯,时间回溯。 


Monday, May 19, 2014

New Treatment (Biofeedback and Clinical Hypnosis) Capitalizes on Autism’s Unique Characteristics

An innovative method to treat children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder attempts to turn their symptoms into strengths.

Dr. Laurence Sugarman, a pediatrician and researcher at Rochester Institute of Technology has developed a treatment method that teaches affected children how to control their psychophysiology and behavior using computerized biofeedback and clinical hypnosis.
The methods are tied to learning to self-regulate the autonomic nervous system —including the fight or flight mechanism — that, for many people with autism, is an engine idling on high.
“Teaching kids with autism spectrum disorder skills in turning down their fight or flight response and turning up the opposite may fundamentally allow them to be more socially engaging, decrease some of the need for cognitive rigidity and repetitive behaviors and, more importantly, allow them to feel better,” said Sugarman.
Sugarman’s model is presented in an article, “Symptoms as Solutions: Hypnosis and Biofeedback for Autonomic Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder” published in the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.
The model underlies three ongoing projects at the center involving different age groups: teaching coping skills to students with anxiety or autism; developing a computer-based role-playing game using autonomous biofeedback for teenagers; and creating a new service and research program for family members with autism.
The latter, called the Parent Effectiveness Program, began this fall and will repeat in the spring. The study trains parents of young children diagnosed with autism and measures results of their training on the behaviors of their affected children.
Sugarman developed his method in response to the rise in autism spectrum disorders over the last 30 years. Instead of trying to change the symptoms associated with autism, his approach recognizes the symptoms as an effort to self-regulate inner turmoil.
The treatment integrates autonomic biofeedback and clinical hypnosis into his therapy. Sensors attached to his patients measure respiration, perspiration, heart rate and variation, and blood flow/circulation.
Children with autism learn to correlate the signals and visual representations displayed on the computer screen (the “Dynamic Feedback Signal Set”) with their emotions.
During therapy sessions, the children practice changing their feedback response and learn to manipulate their own internal wiring.

Sugarman uses clinical hypnosis to generalize and internalize feedback techniques —discerning situations and controlling their responses — into their daily lives.
“Hypnosis is a 250-year-old Western study of how social influence and internal physiology can be changed,” he said. “Mindfulness is a slice of this.”
“We think we can make a big difference for young people with autism spectrum disorder,” Sugarman said. “The need is there.”

All retrieved from

Monday, May 12, 2014


Clinical hypnotherapy has been scientifically proven to be effective in creating change in our life. Through clinical hypnotherapy we are able to reprogram your subconscious mind for happiness & success. Contact us now for more info.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Easy weight loss: The 'virtual gastric band'

A woman lost a staggering 6.5 stone after being hypnotised into thinking she had been fitted with a gastric band.
Janice Rodgers, 46, tipped the scales at 17st 7lbs and became desperate to find a solution.
When she researched weight loss surgery online she stumbled upon a website about a ‘virtual band’- a treatment that hypnotises you into believing your stomach has shrunk in size.

When she came to after the first treatment she was in disbelief the hypnosis had worked but gradually began to lose weight, slimming down to a trim 11st in just seven months after the treatment made her physically unable to eat unhealthy foods.
She stopped eating junk food like crisps and fried chicken and embarked on a two week plan of just liquids and gradually introduced solid food over time.
Janice lost a staggering 12lbs in her first week and dropped from size 22 to size 12 in seven months thanks to the virtual gastric band.
She has since stuck to a diet of salads, fruit, healthy wholegrains and and lean, grilled meat and still listens to mp3 recordings of her sessions to keep her motivated.

Janice, a care worker from Manchester, said: 'I had been overweight for 23 years, since the birth of my son, and tried everything to lose weight.
'I signed up for weekly weight loss classes but any weight I lost I would just put straight back on.
'I started going to Zumba classes with two slim friends but by the end of each session I was gasping for air.
'I knew I needed to do something about it so I logged onto the computer and looked up gastric bands without telling anyone.
'I was shocked with the amount of websites I found, but among them was Andrew’s which mentioned a hypnotic band.
'After researching that I decided to book an appointment, the price was reasonable and I though I would just give it a go.
'I decided not to tell anyone because I felt like a fool but I was just so desperate to lose weight.
'When I first went I thought it would be a load of rubbish and I felt no different until I went home and tried to eat something but it felt like chewing carpet.
'I thought I had better look at the eating plan, which was just liquid for two weeks and then gradually worked up to solid food.
'After eating a lot over the years I didn’t think I could do it but I found it so easy and never felt hungry at all.
'The weight came off so fast and in my first week I dropped 12lbs. I still can’t believe I have reached a size 12 and I sometimes do pick up my old size in the shops.

'My partner, Steve Kirkham, is really proud of me.'
Andrew Nelson said: 'The virtual gastric mind band is made up of cognitive behavioural therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, and mental preparation.
'The treatment begins with an initial discussion where I ask people to visualise themselves as they want to be and we talk about healthy eating.
'People eat for a variety of different reasons and once we have realised the cause I then put them under hypnosis and reaffirm what we have talked about.'

靠少吃跟多運動瘦身已經不是新鮮話題,現在英國出現了號稱用催眠的方法就可以讓人成功減重,聽起來不免讓人半信半疑,但英國的46歲婦人羅傑斯(Janice Rodgers)就是成功靠催眠療法,在7個月內甩掉40公斤肥肉。

根據英國《鏡報》(Mirror News)報導,羅傑斯自從23年前生下兒子之後,就胖到111公斤,雖然她也很想要減掉身上的贅肉,卻總是不得其門而入。過去也曾參加過減重班,並與朋 友一起參加「 Zumba 舞蹈」的課程,但她不是復胖過快,就是因體力無法負荷而半途而廢,難以成功瘦下來。

後來她轉而在網路上查詢以胃間隔手術來控制食量的減肥方式,卻意外發現「仿真胃間隔」療法(The virtual gastric mind band),這種由心理治療師為肥胖者做催眠,進而減少其食量的瘦身方法。羅傑斯在不敢告訴親友的情況下,花了270英鎊(台幣1.25萬元)參加此療 程,並在第一堂課後,就奇蹟似地使她不再喜愛高熱量的垃圾食物,甚至表示那些東西吃起來就像在嚼地毯。

經過1周的催眠療法後,羅傑斯就成功瘦下了5.4公斤,7個月後成功瘦下40公斤。心理治療師安德魯尼爾森(Andrew Nelson)表示,他此套催眠瘦身法是針對人的認知行為、神經語言編程和心理狀態去做調整,第一堂課都從想像自己瘦身成功的模樣,以及擁有健康飲食型態 的過程開始,逐步調整肥胖者的心理。


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Needle Phobia

Fear of needles is a “specific phobia.” The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) lists a specific phobia as “marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation (e.g. flying, heights, animals, receiving an injection, seeing blood)”.

There are several different phobias which fear of needles can fall under:  
Belonephobia: fear of needles 
Aichmophobia: fear of pointed objects 
Trypanophobia: fear of injections 

No matter what the name, however, needle phobia can cause problems when people avoid receiving medical care because of their fear. Today, the diagnostic process as well as preventive medicine regularly includes both injections and blood testing, both that require needles. One common symptom of needle phobia is vasovagal reflex (fainting and possible loss of consciousness), tachycardia (rapid heart rate or heart palpitations) or hypertension (high blood pressure), even at the thought of having an injection or blood testing. 

How do I know if I have an injection or needle phobia?
  • If you have a marked, persistent, and excessive fear of needles. 
  • If exposure to needles almost invariably provokes in you an immediate anxiety response. 
  • If you recognise this fear is unreasonable. 
  • If needle-sticks are either avoided, or endured by you with intense anxiety or distress. 
  • The avoidance, anxiety or distress significantly interferes with your normal routine, occupational or academic functioning, social activities or relationships, or if there is severe distress about having the phobia.
Getting Treatment for Needle Phobia
Taking that first step toward treatment is not easy, but you can do it. You never have to go faster than you’re ready or do anything that you don’t want to do. Take on your phobia at your own pace through personal therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, clinical hypnotherapy, and other types of psychotherapeutic treatment, and slowly build up to being free from your needle phobia. Getting the help you need to conquer your fear of needles starts with a phone call to us (Psychologist Mr.Koo) now.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

How acidic foods affect the body?

Read already? Yes, that's right.
So, how to correct high acid pH with high alkali foods?

Maintaining the correct pH balance in your body is very important to overall health. If your body's pH is highly acidic most of the time, you can increase your risk for a variety of diseases. A pH balance of 0 to 6 is acid, a pH balance of 7 is neutral, and a pH balance of 8 to 14 is alkaline. If you have been eating a lot of acidic foods, you can adjust the balance by learning how to correct high acid pH with high alkali foods.


1.Use a pH testing strip to test your pH balance. You can either test your urine or saliva. Test 60 minutes before eating a meal and 2 hours after eating. This will give you the best range of pH. Test twice a week.
  • Testing the pH of your urine will show how well your body is able to remove acids and maintain optimal amounts of minerals that protect the body from becoming too acidic. The "buffer minerals" include sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. If you are acidic, then your body is not doing a good job at using the minerals to protect against the acid, because there is too much acid in your body. For a healthy range, your urine pH should be between 6.0 and 6.5 when you test in the morning, and between 6.5 and 7.0 when you test in the evening.
  • Testing the pH of your saliva will help show digestive enzyme activity in the body. For a healthy range, your saliva pH should remain between 6.5 and 7.5 all day.
2.Eat a variety of alkaline foods. This might include green juice, vegetable juice, fruit juice, garlic, berries, oranges, bananas, kale, pumpkins, squash, peas, green tea, and most other fruits and vegetables. These foods may help reduce the acid in your bloodstream and should be a major part of correcting pH balance with food.

3. Change your diet. Eat more alkaline foods and less acidic foods. Acidic foods may include meat (animal protein), dairy, wheat, rice, and cranberries.

TIP from Our naturopath or homeopathic doctor can help you achieve your health goals.

4. Check your medications, as certain medications can cause your pH balance to be acidic. If you are not sure, speak to your doctor. If the medication is necessary and you cannot avoid it, you may help combat the acidic pH by eating alkaline foods.

TIP from A hair analysis test is definitely an option you don't want to miss out. Why don't you try it? Contact me now.

5. Monitor your stress level, as stress can be a cause of acidic pH balance. If you made dietary changes and included less acidic foods in your diet and still notice a high acid pH balance, stress could be the culprit. Utilize stress reduction techniques to help reduce acidity.

TIP from Clinical hypnotherapy definitely can help you to reduce your stress level. I will teach you fun, easy coping skills, simple self hypnosis technique as well as other relaxation methods. Why don't you drop me an email now? 

Do you know?
  • The amount of acid in a food does not reflect how it will impact the acidity of your blood. For example, highly acidic lemon actually helps the bloodstream become more alkaline.
  • Most people benefit from eating a diet comprised of 75% alkaline foods and 25% acidic foods.

All retrieved from