Saturday, January 27, 2018

Brain Health Workshop - Basic (Module 1 & Module 2) 健脑基础班

日期:3th March 2018 (星期六)- 包含第1&2堂课
地点:Hypnosis Integrative Hub @ Wisma Life Care, Bangsar South (Unit 2-2B, Wisma Life Care, No.5, Jalan Kerinchi)
- 课程重视你的身心灵需求并借鉴脑科学技术,为你的大脑进行调理与提升!
- 让你不知不觉中改善情绪大脑状况并提升生理、心理、与人际关系状况。
- 透过轻松易学的小清新课程,你将成为自己人生的掌舵者,释放出最棒最有潜力的自己!
现在报名(Whatsapp 0167154419 Brain Health Specialist):


Name : HL
Age                 : 22
Town              : Batu Pahat
Job Title         : Australia Student
In this workshop, I felt a lot more comfortable to talk about my personal problems and share with strangers without any burdens of my flaws. Everyone in the room have similar problems and it did not make me feel out casted as everyone can related to each concerns and we can learn from each other.

Name : Kenneth
Age                 : 43
Town              : Puchong
Job Title         : Manager
This workshops improved my self-healing and coping skills. Besides, I learnt how to relax and calm down myself.

Name : David L
Age                 : 20
Town              : Selangor
Job Title         : Medical Student
After attending this workshop, I understood my own problems and found a solution instead of trying to dump the problem aside.

Name : Sara W
Age                 : 45
Town              : Selangor
Job Title         : Day Care Principal
This workshop helped me to relax and calm down. Besides, it improved my self-healing skills. I also learnt the way to express my feelings and some coping skills.

Name : Nicole L
Age                 : 20
Town              : Subang Jaya
Job Title         : Medical Student
It was a very relaxing workshop yet effective process to solve my problems and improve myself.

Name : Moi M
Age                 : 62
Town              : Batu Pahat
Job Title         : Accountant
This workshop gave me a deep understanding of how our brain works in term of emotion and stress. Besides, it also helped me to manage my own problems more effectively.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Review ( Non-drug approach - Anxiety Treatment Malaysia) - Mr Chai Case

Name              : Chai

I tended to experience some anxiety symptoms like heart palpitation, muscle tension and breathing difficulty. I constantly worry about my health and I wish to get rid of anxiety symptoms as it had affected my sleep quality and caused a lot of physical and mental discomfort.

I had tried other approaches like visiting doctor and having a different types of health screening test but it can’t help me to find the root cause. After searching on the internet, I found that hypnotherapy can help in reducing all these symptoms. I never know that all this discomfort and symptoms are possible due to dysautonomia (autonomic dysfunction) reaction but after I met Hiro. 

Right after the first session, I understood that I can get rid of my anxiety by just relaxing. I found that I am in control of myself and I can get rid of all the negative and anxious thoughts that caused all this discomfort in my life. 

Now, I am able to get back to my normal life. I will recommend this approach to those who have the similar problem with me. I felt very relax during the session and self-practice in the home did help me in improving myself.

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hypnosis Integrative Hub (Clinical Hypnotherapist Hiro Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity.  

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Review ( Non-drug approach - Insomnia Treatment Malaysia) - Miss Shilley Case

Name              : Miss S

The first initial reason for me to visit Hiro Koo is to improve my insomnia. Insomnia affected my mood, my work and my life. I had no mood to do anything including my social life and family life. I went to visit a psychiatrist before and took medications. The medicines did help me to fall asleep but I can wake up easily throughout the night. I will still feel tired and experience light sleeping issue. 

After several sessions of hypnotherapy, improvements were noticeable. I can sleep deeply and my sleep quality improved. Now, I felt motivated to work and I had better interaction with my family member. All the worries about sleep gone and I can concentrate on tasks. Other than this, I found that my emotions are much more stable and can think rationally. Before this, I always feel that my world is in grey color and meaningless. But now, I can get rid of all these hopeless feelings. 

Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions helped me to find out the root cause of my problem. I learn how to manage myself and I felt a sense of control. However, I realized that 50% of success need to depend on myself, I need to take responsibility as well throughout all the sessions for better improvements.

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hypnosis Integrative Hub (Clinical Hypnotherapist Hiro Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity.