Monday, September 13, 2021

Passed for my PhD Oral Exam


Finally pass my PhD VIVA VOCE, the oral exam after working on it for 4 years. My PhD research topic is related with clinical hypnosis, expressive art therapy, neurofeedback, adhrence, and anxiety issue.

Now I just have to work on correction for final submission, and then hopefully can attend convo next year in person at the University Utara Malaysia (UUM)🙏🏻
I am honored to have my thesis evaluated by key experts in mental health field. 
Thanks to both examiners for all constructive feedback.
Special thanks to
External Examinar :
Associate Prof. Dr Wan Marzuki Wan Jaafar (UPM),
President Malaysian Board of Counsellor.
Internal Examiner :
Dr Muazzam Mohammad (UUM).
Thanks to the Chairman, Dean representative, and also the admin team of UUM. 
Thanks to my Phd supervisor Dr Azzy Azizah, UUM senior lecturer and associate professor soon to be, who helps me so much in my Phd journey. I am so grateful for everything and empowerment that you have provided. Word can’t describe how grateful am I 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thanks to all my clients, friends, family members and loved one. You know who you are:)
I will keep contribute to the psychological therapy field, especially on the modalities that dealing with unconscious processes. And yes, it is not an end of the journey 🙏🏻😇🎉🎉🎉🎉
我的博士研究是有关焦虑、亚健康精神状态、脑波反馈疗法、催眠疗法和表达艺术治疗。我读博的愿景是希望可以推广潜意识与创伤导向心理调整技术和亚健康精神状态的疗愈(Subclinical Mental Health Care)。
四年前参加督导的一个表达艺术治疗工作坊,督导和我一见如故,就盛情邀请我跟她读博,让我可以研究催眠、表达艺术治疗和脑波反馈疗法。在这四年博士生涯中,她教会了我很多,也从来不放弃我,一直循循善诱我如何把做人的德行和论文做好。四年博士生涯即将告一段落,对我来说最有价值的并不是Dr Koo这个title,而是在读博的历程中,我了解到了如何更好的做人、如何更好的接纳自己、做好自己的角色。同时,我又可以将潜意识导向学术推广出去。
谢谢北大UUM,谢谢内在潜意识里的那个受伤了但永不放弃的Ah Yong,谢谢我的次人格保护者Hiro,谢谢你给我强大的力量,谢谢爱的家人朋友同学们给我的爱和信任。也谢谢我的个案,你们大家给的鼓励很可贵。谢谢你们成就了我Hiro这个角色。

Saturday, September 4, 2021

[Review] 马来西亚创伤导向催眠治疗改善情绪与脑雾问题Emotional and Brain Fog Treatment Malaysia - F Case


As far as my memory recalls, at the age of 7 I was exposed to family violence, verbal abuse, emotional and physical neglects. Growing up very unhappy, filled with anger, frustrations, emotional turmoil, lack of confidence, low self esteem and rebel. When I was 18, I have suspected myself on the road to bipolar and depression but it did not affect my academic performance thus I went on to University studies, got into relationship and started working after graduate.

In the third year of my working life one day there is a snapping sound in the brain, and I started to have blank memories, difficulty to recall daily task, foggy mind, nausea, it affects my daily functioning of talking, thinking, recalling could not function normal at work, and almost lose the ability of self-management. At the same time my beloved grandpa passed on and the break of a 7-year romantic relationship got me into a total breakdown.

I am emotionally unstable, either crying, mood down, agitated or scolding. Little hiccups/small issue can trigger my anger.

At that moment, I also have symptoms of confusion, unable to recall things where is my keys? Where did I park my car? What was the conversation 1 min ago? I can only function with the help of mobile phone by referring to recorded communication on whatsapp, email and sms.

I think very slowly, slow to react and slow in giving responses to external stimulation. Feeling drowsy day and night, I only want to sleep and have no interest in daily activities including hobbies. No urge to explore new areas, meet new people and learn new skills.

This condition have lasted for a year and when I started a new job it was very hard to focus, my mind is always pull to elsewhere, there are voices in the head asking to jump off from the building. One day my colleague introduces Hiro Koo from Brain Health Centre. He is a certified psychotherapist with effective track records and continuous learning, last meeting with Hiro he is in the progress of PHD studies. That was April 2021. I started with brainwave scan to get an overview of my brain condition and continue with 6 sessions with Hiro Koo. On the first and second sessions my emotions got stabilized, without crying and scolding but my mind still in a floating state. Third sessions onwards the mind began to be intact for once and the brain mind slowly back in 1 piece and Hiro has taught on many coping skills and important techniques to protect the healthy state of mind. Setting up personal boundaries, nothing bad to ask for help just to mention few techniques among the many Hiro has taught on.


Last session on 20 Aug 2021, I have achieved 80% of clearing childhood trauma, hurts and 50% recovery on memory, brain functioning, 50% of happiness and counting on. The road to recovery was a blend of religious faith, physical exercise, sufficient Vitamin supplements and very important that Hiro’s consultation is a boost on top of all these. His set of therapy session gives a clear direction, is effective and result- oriented. In the short period of 4 months I am able to have fast recovery on cognitive functioning, stable emotions, better focus, increased confidence level, healthier self esteem plus point with new skills and techniques on interpersonal / romantic relationships and communication. His consultation was reasonable priced and it was a good investment on self. Should I not meet Hiro, I would have even lost my current job!

Big thank you to Hiro and team, his other consultants are professional and informative, admin staff are warm and friendly. Hiro is also a good choice to working professional who are facing daily work stress and relationship difficulty. Highly recommended and SAFE! Take Care and continue your passion.



Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews and photos have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Hiro Koo

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Neurofeedback Malaysia, A Promising Tool For Stroke Rehab Treatment


Stroke is a health condition whereby there is an insufficient blood supply that carries the oxygen, O2 and nutrients needed by the brain. The lack of blood supply will cause a damage to the brain cells and even worse, it leads to the death of brain cells which had a big impact on the patient’s well-being such as memory loss and the physical and functional disabilities (Boehme et al., 2017).

As stroke cases are starting to increase among the old age group, the experts had invented the F-A-S-T stroke recognition to raise the awareness and help people to identify the stroke signs earlier (Khatri, 2019). Early intervention is better. According to Beckerman (2020), the F-A-S-T stroke recognition stands for face, arms, speech, and time. First, tell the person to smile and observe if their face drops. Second, tell the person to raise both of their hands and observe if one side of the hand is weak. Third, ask the person to say a simple word and observe if there is a strange sound or slurred. Lastly, dial the emergency number right away as every minute counts for stroke patients.

Apart from F-A-S-T method, did you know that EEG Neurofeedback training is one of the promising tools for stroke rehabilitation?
Most of the stroke patients that took part in a study to evaluate the effectiveness of Neurofeedback training had shown a significance improvement on their memory, mood, concentration, energy, reading and speech ability, and motivation (Kober et al., 2015; Renton et al., 2017). Therefore, this shows that Neurofeedback training had successfully helped to improve the memory deficit among stroke survivors.

Beckerman, J. (2020, March 9). Stroke Signs and Symptoms. WebMD.
Boehme, A. K., Esenwa, C., & Elkind, M. S. V. (2017). Stroke Risk Factors, Genetics, and Prevention. Circulation Research, 120(3), 472–495.