Monday, July 17, 2023

New Research Reveals Promising Strategies for Enhancing Clinical Hypnosis Adherence in Anxiety Sufferers: Expressive Art Therapy and Neurofeedback Assessments

We're excited to share a groundbreaking research article that explores how expressive art therapy and neurofeedback assessments can help improve clinical hypnosis adherence for people with anxiety. This study, conducted by me, uncovers the potential of these approaches in managing anxiety and enhancing the effectiveness of clinical hypnosis. Let's dive into the main findings and see what they mean for individuals looking for anxiety relief.


Despite worldwide concern on anxiety, preventive measures in public health industries remained scarce. Previous studies found that therapeutic adherence is vital for the treatment efficacy of anxiety sufferers; polyvagal theory may address adherence issues by considering biopsychosocial perspectives. As such, this research intends to generate polyvagal-focused therapeutic guidance in line with anxiety sufferers. This study examines the effectiveness of the Creative Brain Health Intervention (CBHI), which includes expressive art therapy and neurofeedback assessments, as well as clinical hypnosis for anxiety sufferers. The study utilizes a qualitative method with a grounded theory approach to explore helpful and unhelpful factors of CBHI. The study samples were found to have minimal scores at a mild level (on anxiety or stress subscales) of eight (for the anxiety subscale) and 15 (for the stress counterpart) under DASS-21 following a screening procedure. Particularly, the samples were analyzed after CBHI through in-depth interviews for data collection. A total of 45 participants were recruited to generate the outcomes of this study, and the results show that mental healthcare can be enhanced by addressing adherence, stigma, and support through a public system and education, backed by six domains for anxiety treatment and innovative therapeutic approaches. The study recommends early intervention and prevention phases in future research to address stigmas and prevent mental disorder. Resultantly, therapeutic adherence could be enhanced with a polyvagal-focused framework CBHI established for this study. Consequently, the study suggests insights for developing therapeutic guidance to enhance adherence and prevent full-fledged anxiety complexities.


Koo, K. Y., & Abdullah, A. B. (2023, June 14). The role of expressive art therapy and neurofeedback assessments in improving clinical hypnosis adherence among anxiety sufferers. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), 26(2).

Friday, July 14, 2023

(Event) Mental Health Webinar: Managing Social Anxiety


Just gave a mental health promotion talk on how to manage social anxiety. 

I shared my doctoral study findings regarding the prevalence of anxiety issues and subclinical mental health concerns surrounding the topic of anxiety, which is also the focus of my PhD thesis. 

At the end of the workshop, the participants gave positive reviews about the talk. The majority of them found the topic helpful, and I heard that some of them hope for more topics related to hypnotherapy, which is my area of expertise. 

I also received feedback that my personal experience of having social anxiety symptoms also helped them to relate to these symptoms better. This really made my day, as I hope more people can start to become aware of their body-mind symptoms, which could be the first step toward healing. 

I would like to thank the clinical psychologist trainees here and the master's students in clinical psychology from USM-UPSI for initiating this project and organizing the talk. I hope more people become aware of the benefits of hypnotherapy in managing anxiety symptoms.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

为什么组织需要关注创伤知情呢? Why we need Trauma-Informed Workplaces?



在创伤期间,组织对人们的支持起着非常重要的作用,影响也是深远而长久的。这是因为在创伤时期,体制性背叛(Institutional Betrayal)和心理安全这两个概念变得尤为重要。


与体制性背叛相对应的是心理安全。心理安全这个概念主要是由Amy Edmondson推广的,指的是在团队或组织内部,人们可以坦诚地承认错误、不知道答案或者面对困难。谷歌最近的一项研究发现,心理安全对于团队的协作至关重要。而建立心理安全最快的方法就是团队成员在困难时互相支持。正如《纽约时报》杂志的Charles Duhigg所说:“要感受到‘心理安全’,我们必须知道有时我们可以自由地分享那些吓人的事情,而不用担心受到指责。我们必须能够谈论混乱或悲伤,并与让我们发疯的同事进行艰难的对话。我们不能只关注效率。” 因此,如果我们在与经历创伤的人一起工作时没有适当地回应,就可能给他们增加第二次伤害。但如果我们能够做出积极的回应,就能够建立信任和联系。无论如何,我们在危机时期如何支持彼此都将在组织中产生长远的影响。 那么,我们如何确保我们的组织具备有效应对创伤的技能和资源呢?


1. 承认:愿意倾听和承认经历创伤的人的痛苦,而不是否认或转移对话的焦点。

2. 支持:在创伤和困厄时,提供具体的支持,如心理健康资源和协助丧葬等费用。

3. 信任:建立机构的信任,通过制定支持员工的政策和程序,并确保这些政策被广泛知晓和遵守。领导者应当表达对组织价值观的承诺,并坚持公正和透明。通过关注承认、支持和信任,组织能够在危机时期建立信任和联系,并为未来的挑战做好准备。

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