Showing posts with label stress management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress management. Show all posts

Monday, August 29, 2016

Cancer can be created from emotional trauma

Emotional traumas have been known to affect people in a variety of ways. Stress from being traumatized and the trauma itself can have a number of ill effects on the surviving person. Anxiety, insomnia, irritability, depression and changes in appetite are just a few of the many effects emotional trauma can have. Research has also revealed that emotional traumas that are not dealt with can also cause cancer .

You may be wondering how that is even possible. You see, untreated emotional traumas can lead to your body being in a constant state of stress. A number of studies have found that this heightened, chronic stress can actually reduce immune system function. A recent review of over 100 studies has also revealed that chronic stress can cause the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) to actually induce metastasis.
The SNS is the primary system behind our “fight or flight” chemical response. The SNS normally activates in situations where a threat or danger is perceived. After the threat is over, the SNS shuts off its dispersion of hormones and chemicals, and the body returns to its normal, homeostatic state in about an hour. For people who have experienced an emotional trauma and are under chronic duress, however, the SNS does not really ever turn off. When the SNS is constantly “on,” adrenaline and noradrenaline-stimulating mechanisms within it have the potential to disrupt or alter genetic codes.
These alterations can lead to a variety of cancer-causing developments. Inflammatory responses are activated, immune responses are inhibited, angiogenesis is stimulated and much more. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is often turned off, DNA repair is inhibited and cancer stem cells are created. Through any number of these pathways, cancer can inevitably be created.
Emotional traumas are serious, and when left untreated, they can cause even greater harm to the person suffering with them. There are a number of therapies available to help people overcome their trauma. In addition to seeing a therapist, participating in meditation and engaging in meditation or other relaxation techniques can help to relieve some of the stress, soothe the soul, and reduce the risk of cancer.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Parents talk and sharing session for the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM)

Parents talk and sharing session - Fatigue and stress management for caregivers by Hiro Koo

The eighth annual World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, 2016. Every year, autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and awareness-raising events.
This is how I spent my day:)
I am honored to have this chance to share the emotional and stress coping techniques for the parents.

Autism is a developmental disability that remains with a person for his or her whole life. This condition affects the brain's functions. The first signs usually appear before a child is three years old. People with autism often:
  • Find social interaction difficult.
  • Have problems with verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Demonstrate restrictive and repetitive behavior.
  • Have a limited set of interests and activities.
Autism affects girls and boys of all races and in all geographic regions and has a large impact on children, their families, communities and societies. The prevalence is currently rising in many countries around the world. Caring for and educating children and young people with this condition places challenges on health care, education and training programs. 

Yes, Autism Awareness Month is a time to educate your community about autism and Light It Up Blue!

Thanks NASOM for the contribution!
You guys are the best! 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

[Training workshop] Brain wellness program to improve focus, memory and emotional state

A full day workshop with lawyer, IT profession, HR and mangers.
 The topic is all about brain wellness and what are the ways to manage it.

Health Talk Topic:
Brain Wellness: Improve your brain wellness, focus and memory

Hiro Koo, Licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist 

Group Activities:
1) Group stress relief session
2) Food and mood activity
3) Emotional coping technique
4) Brainwaves analysis for understanding your brain wellness status

Contact us if you are interested. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

[Corporate Health Talk on Stress Management] Group Hypnotherapy for the Manager of Public Bank

A full day workshop with Public Bank Managers, how can stress affect your productivity and performance and what are the ways to manage it.

Yes, the best way to manage your stress is to learn healthy coping strategies.
I taught a simple self hypnosis technique as a coping skill to manage stress for all of them.
It is easy, fast and you can see how your brainwaves relieve stress instantly.

Offering brainwaves analysis (for understanding your sleep quality, stress, focus and attention abilities) after the health talk for all managers.

Contact us if you are interested. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

[Corporate Health Talk on Stress Management] Group Hypnotherapy Session at Lonpac Insurance Bhd

 Group hypnotherapy session to relieve stress
Yes, you can train your brainwaves like a muscle!
"Ubah frekuensi gelombang otak" by using neuro-hypnotherapy training method.
I mentioned about this concept in newspaper before.

                       Chinese Physician was sharing how to use therapeutic massage to reduce stress.

 Naturopath was sharing how to reduce stress by using the concept of nutritional therapy.
She shared similar nutritional therapy tips on 8TV program too.

Health Talk conducted in English at Lonpac Insurance Bhd.

Health Talk Topic:
Stress Management tips from Clinical Hypnotherapist, Chinese Physician and Naturopath.

Esther Peh, President of Naturopathic Medical Association Malaysia 
Hiro Koo, Clinical Hypnotherapist 
 Madam Low, Chinese Physician

Group Activities:
1) Group hypnotherapy session 
2) Therapeutic massage DIY session
3) DIY juice therapy
4) Brain assessment for understanding your stress, focus and attention abilities

Contact us if you are interested. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

[Corporate Health Talk] Group Hypnotherapy Session for Stress Reduction and Relaxation at Kenanga Group Office

Health Talk conducted in English at Kenanga Group Office.

Health Talk Topic:
1) Understanding Women's Health by Miss Esther, President of Naturopathic Medical Association Malaysia
2) Train your mind like a muscle by Hiro Koo (clinical hypnotherapist)
3) Therapeutic massage & acupuncture treatment by Madam Low (TCM Practitioner)

Group Activities:
1) Group hypnotherapy session 
2) Detox juice recipe
3) DIY Therapeutic massage

这是为Kenanga Group客户量身订造的健康讲座。结合了身(Naturopathic)心(Clinical Hypnotherapy & EEG biofeedback)灵(TCM)的一个讲座会。主要集中在交流和学习实用知识,运用于生活中。让忙碌的投资者们,也可以在午休时间轻轻松松的充充电。

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

【伊白女王 III】Q-E3 大马时尚美容Magazine (13/07/2015) 催眠 X 焦虑症

“现在你看着我的手,深呼吸,我数 1,2,3… …睡着… …” 很熟悉的对白吧?没错,这就是我们经常在电视或电影里看到的催眠师与主角的对话。催眠师给予你的印象是什么?你对这行业了解有多深?你又是否遇过真正的催眠师呢?
【伊白女王 III】 很感谢临床催眠治疗师Hiro Koo先生接受我们的访问。Mr. Koo将会让我们重新认识什么是催眠,究竟它对我们日常生活当中的作息有什么帮助。小编与亲爱的读者一起上课啦!

Text: 瀞瑩
Edit: Elizabeth
Photography: Chris

Thursday, February 12, 2015

[Corporate health talk] PPG Industrial Coatings - Stress management and wellness workshop

Feeling stressed? 
Need some expert help to tackle the tension in your life? 
Stress is a potential killer, implicated in medical conditions from high blood pressure and infertility to heart disease. But you can learn simple but effective tools that will help you get the better of stress, before it gets the better of you.

We were invited to conduct health talk at PPG Industrial Coatings.
Advice on good health and nutrition to create the right foundation to build your new stress-reduced life.

Breathing technique that teaches you to live in the present and stays happy.

Mindfulness meditation and self-hypnosis able to help with quickly achieving a deeply relaxed state.
Reduce stress and ease anxiety with mandala coloring.

All staffs tried our iridology assessment as well as EEG brainwaves assessment during the health talk. 
They are glad they have learned the destress techniques after our health talk.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Success Story (Severe Headache)

The following is a case study of a male client, Ahmad Solihin, suffering from severe headache. 

Headache is pain in any region of the head. Headaches may occur on one or both sides of the head are isolated to a certain location, radiate across the head from one point. A headache may be a sharp pain, throbbing sensation or dull ache. Headaches may appear gradually or suddenly, and they may last less than an hour or for several days.Headache is caused by problems with over activity of pain-sensitive structures in the head and it isn't a symptom of an underlying disease, but it could be chemical activity in brain, the nerves or blood vessels of head outside our skull, or muscles of head and neck or some combination of these factors. Some people may carry genes that make them more likely to develop such headaches. However, through Neuro-hypnotherapy and Serumi Ion therapy, this client illustrates a successful recovery. 

Ahmad Solihin, thin, proportioned and nearly 156 cm tall, is a thirty three-year-old Malaysian. He’s been married to his wife for six years.Besides working as a Project Manager, he also continues his study in Consultant Supervisor on a part-time basis. Juggling work and study, however, has been very stressful for him. 

Mr. Solihin’s complaints presented a list of symptoms associated with insomnia. Sharp pains starting from his cervical region to his lower back are also felt. Additionally, he also feels numbness and tingling sensations all over his body. Sleep deprivation, fatigue and loss of concentration, naturally, follows. 

Taking into consideration the severity of his condition with regard to his resistance to treatment; and from a Naturopath’s point of view, the most suitable treatment plan suggested for this desperate gentleman is Serumi Ion and Neuro-hypnotherapy coupled with proper diet, nutrition and lifestyle change. 

After just one session of Serumi Ion and Neuro-hypnotherapy, an increase in energy in his body can be felt and the pain on his neck region has begun to decrease. Not only that, he’s also able to sleep better on the same day. And what follows after his second and third sessions is equally as remarkable – his severe headache disappears completely! 

“One word – unbelievable!” said Mr. Solihin, his eyes gleaming with gladness.

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Spectrum of Life proactive healthcare centre (Clinical Hypnotherapist Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"Ubah frekuensi gelombang otak" KOSMO! | Newspaper | Neuro-hipnoterapi

[email protected]

NAFSU makan yang tidak terbendung merupakan igauan ngeri bagi seorang wanita muda. Kebimbangan bertambah setiap hari terutama apabila melihat skala pada mesin penimbang berat badan yang menunjukkan peningkatan setiap hari.
Hati menjadi semakin resah dan gelisah apabila memikirkan tentang perkara yang boleh mengakibatkan dirinya ditimpa penyakit serius itu.
Selain bimbang mengenai risiko kesihatan, pandangan sinis rakan-rakan dan orang sekeliling mengenai saiz tubuhnya yang semakin membesar secara tidak langsung menipiskan keyakinan dirinya untuk bersosial.
“Setiap kali saya melihat makanan, saya pasti tidak dapat menahan diri daripada menjamah hidangan tersebut. Keadaan jadi lebih parah apabila ternampak restoran makanan segera.
“Saya rasa seperti ada magnet yang menarik untuk menuju ke situ. Boleh dikatakan setiap hari saya akan singgah ke tempat itu untuk mengisi perut yang tidak pernah kenyang ini.
“Saya pernah ditegur oleh majikan mengenai saiz tubuh badan yang besar. Perkara tersebut sangat menurunkan motivasi saya untuk bekerja dan berhadapan dengan orang ramai terutama rakan sekerja,” ujar Sharon John, 24, ketika ditemui Kosmo! baru-baru ini.
Rawatan alternatif
Prihatin terhadap keadaan Sharon, ­majikannya menyarankan supaya dia mengikuti sesi neuro-hipnoterapi bagi mengatasi masalah nafsu makan dan berat badannya.
Neuro-hipnoterapi ialah kaedah rawatan alternatif yang digunakan untuk merawat penyakit-penyakit berkaitan ketidakstabilan fungsi otak, emosi dan psikologi tanpa pembedahan serta ubat-ubatan.
Mengakui agak sangsi dengan kaedah rawatan alternatif tersebut, dia tetap tekad untuk mencuba kaedah yang mula diperkenalkan di Amerika Syarikat sejak 40 tahun lalu itu.
Setelah menjalani rawatan neuro-hipnoterapi lebih kurang sebulan di pusat kesihatan Spectrum Of Life yang terletak di Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, wanita berusia 24 tahun itu berpuas hati dengan hasil rawatan tersebut apabila dia berjaya mengawal nafsu makannya.
Selain itu, berat badannya juga berkurangan sebanyak 10 kilogram selepas menjalani beberapa rawatan menurunkan berat badan yang ditawarkan di pusat tersebut seperti sauna inframerah.
“Selepas menjalani beberapa sesi neuro-hipnoterapi, saya sedari bahawa terdapat perubahan yang sangat ketara pada diri sendiri. Tanpa disedari, keinginan untuk makan yang melampau sudah hilang. Jika melihat restoran makanan segera pula sudah tidak ada kemahuan untuk menjamu selera di situ.
“Saya juga dapat mengawal jumlah pengambilan makanan harian dalam kuantiti yang sedikit kerana rasa cepat kenyang. Pilihan jenis hidangan juga lebih sihat serta seimbang sekarang,” luah wanita tersebut yang mengakui berasa lebih yakin apabila berhadapan dengan orang ramai.
Kesan daripada rawatan itu juga menyebabkan tahap tekanan sewaktu di tempat kerja berkurangan, sekali gus meningkatkan prestasi kerjanya sebagai pegawai khidmat pelanggan di sebuah bank di ibu kota.
Perubahan positif
Perubahan ke arah yang lebih positif turut dirasai seorang akauntan, Angelin Tan, 51, selepas menjalani lima sesi neuro-hipnoterapi untuk mengurangkan tahap tekanan yang dialaminya akibat bebanan kerja di pejabat.

Dia yang sudah berkecimpung dalam bidang akaun selama 20 tahun mengakui mampu mengawal perasaan marah yang sering dilemparkan terhadap rakan sepejabat dan pekerja bawahannya.
“Dulu, apabila pekerja saya membuat kesalahan dalam tugas yang diberikan, saya pasti akan memarahi mereka walaupun kesilapan kecil sahaja. Namun, selepas menjalani rawatan ini, rakan-rakan sekerja boleh nampak perubahan pada diri saya yang semakin tenang dan lebih mesra pekerja.
“Saya rasa sangat bersyukur dengan kehidupan sekarang. Selain rasa lebih tenteram di tempat kerja, masalah gangguan tidur juga sudah hilang dan tidak lagi terjaga di tengah malam,” katanya yang turut menghantar anaknya ke situ untuk menjalani sesi rawatan sama bagi membantu meningkatkan prestasi dalam pembelajaran.
Tidak terhad kepada rawatan mengubah sikap dan kelakuan, rawatan alternatif itu juga mampu membantu mengurangkan simptom penyakit berkaitan gangguan fungsi otak seperti autisme dan masalah hiperaktif dan kekurangan tumpuan (ADHD).
Masalah yang boleh dirawat melalui kaedah tersebut antara lainnya ialah sakit kepala dan migrain, kemurungan, masalah sistem penghadaman, darah tinggi, sawan gangguan tidur, merokok, keresahan dan epilepsi atau sawan.
“Ketidaktentuan aktiviti gelombang otak yang tidak menentu dikatakan antara punca kepada masalah kelakuan dan sikap seseorang. Melakukan perubahan terhadap perkara tersebut di sesetengah kawasan otak mampu mengurangkan serta menyelesaikan keadaan itu,” kata juruhipnoterapi klinikal Spectrum Of Life Sdn. Bhd., Hiro Koo.
Jelasnya, rawatan tersebut berbeza dengan hipnoterapi biasa kerana menggabungkan cara tradisional yang biasa digunakan oleh ahli terapi hipnosis di seluruh dunia dan kaedah saintifik.
Kaedah saintifik yang dipraktikkan membolehkan juruterapi melihat dan memantau keadaan gelombang otak pesakit sama ada berada dalam keadaan tertekan, relaks mahupun tidak sedar menggunakan mesin pengimbas khas.
“Semasa menjalani rawatan ini, pesakit tidak perlu risau mengenai rasa sakit kerana ia adalah rawatan yang tidak menyakitkan tanpa sebarang prosedur pembedahan. Peralatan yang kita gunakan untuk menganalisis gelombang otak mereka juga tidak menggunakan tenaga elektrik. Jadi, ia selamat.
“Kaedah yang kita gunakan ini mampu memahami keadaan seseorang pesakit dengan lebih baik melalui paparan graf-graf gelombang otak yang dapat dilihat di skrin seperti beta, alpha, theta dan delta,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Hiro memberitahu, perubahan frekuensi gelombang otak yang berlaku terhadap seseorang pesakit tidak akan mendatangkan kesan sampingan negatif seperti penyakit gila dan sebagainya.
Katanya, salah tanggapan masyarakat mengenai rawatan hipnoterapi masih lagi menebal dalam kalangan masyarakat dengan menganggap kaedah tersebut boleh mengakibatkan pesakit hilang kawalan terhadap dirinya dan mudah untuk dimanipulasi oleh orang lain.
“Rawatan ini bukanlah seperti yang kita lihat di dalam televisyen iaitu individu berkenaan seperti dipukau dan tidak sedar apa-apa perkara yang berlaku. Sebaliknya, mereka sebenarnya sedar dan mempunyai kawalan terhadap diri sendiri sepenuhnya ketika rawatan.
“Kaedah neuro-hipnoterapi ini baru diperkenalkan di Malaysia dan kami juga merupakan ahli Persatuan Psikologi Amerika (APA). Keahlian tersebut secara langsung mengiktiraf standard emas bagi rawatan yang ditawarkan,” tuturnya.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Heart Exhibition 2014

How much stress do you live with and what is the cost to your health?
Stress is a normal part of life. 
But if left unmanaged, stress can lead to emotional, psychological, and even physical problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pains, or irregular heart beats.
 During the Heart Exhibition 2014, A series of free health screening events had performed by us.
  I am glad to know that awareness is being brought to people's attention!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Success Story (Depression and Insomnia - Miss T)

If you think you may have insomnia, ask yourself the following questions:
  • Do you wake up during the night and find that you cannot fall back asleep? 
  • Do you lie in bed, tossing and turning for hours each night? 
  • Do you dread going to bed because you feel like you never get a good night’s sleep? 
  • Do you wake up feeling unrefreshed after sleeping? 
  • Does the problem occur even though you have the opportunity and the time to get a good night’s sleep? 
  • You are suffering from depression?
  • It takes you more than 30 mins to fall asleep?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you may have insomnia. If you’ve had insomnia for more than three weeks (chronic insomnia), consider booking an appointment with a therapist.
Let's me share a testimonial that I get from my clients, this real story tell you how she improve her insomnia problem after doing her clinical hypnotherapy and EEG biofeedback therapy with me.


My client: T (22 years old), primarily came to see me for her stress issues. She has been diagnosed with depression and was prescribed with the antidepressants as well as sleeping pill by her Psychiatrist. However, She stopped her anti depressant and sleeping pill after using them for 3 weeks as she felt that she could not sleep even with the sleeping pills and she feels a lot more blur and slow in response after the antidepressants.
Her problem has influenced her life since she was young until to the extend that she had to stop herself from continuing her study due to her lack in  focus and emotional issues.
Upon analyzing her unique brainwave patterns and her response toward clinical hypnotherapy, I found that most of her brainwaves pattern (especially those brain locations which associated with focus, logical thinking, verbal expression and attention span) is under-arousal/weak.

Her brainwaves pattern is the reason why she was having problem as below:
  1. Depression symptoms
  2. Self harmful thoughts
  3. Insomnia
  4. Bad sleeping quality
  5. Negative thoughts
  6. Inability to express confidently
  7. Poor focus and attention span
Treatment Plan:
A customized self-hypnosis method was planned for her; She was guided on how to do self hypnosis effectively while her brainwaves was monitored. For the first session, 2 hours was spent with her to deal with her depression symptoms, negative thinking and self harmful thoughts issues.

Following is the result obtained:
After the first session, she confessed that it was the first time ever that she felt so calm and relaxed. She complied to practice her customized self hypnosis technique for positive thinking once a day until her next visit.
Two weeks later, the follow up session was carried out.
Following are the changes that she experiences after the 2 weeks practice of self hypnosis:

  1. Positive thinking
  2. More optimistic
  3. More confident to speak
  4. Ability to let go of past event
  5. Begin to look forward for a better future
  6. Less self harmful thoughts
  7. Become less anxious and stressful
  8. Become relax and calm 
  9. Response speed increased

For her 3rd session, her objective is to improve her sleep quality and deal with her insomnia problem so that she can improve her overall life quality as well as her health condition. I guided her to do a customized self hypnosis technique for sleep and following is the result obtained:
During the session, she was able to fall asleep by doing her customized self hypnosis technique for sleep alone! As you can notice her Delta brainwaves for sleep increased after she did her self hypnosis technique (See the red cursor on the graph above) and her Hibeta was decreasing further too.

Upon the completion of the clinical hypnotherapy session, she came back to do EEG biofeedback therapy to improve her attention span and focus issue.
She shared her joy and improvement on the relevant issue. She found the following positive changes in her life after the therapy session:
  1. Feel more motivated to live better
  2. Easy to wake up in the morning, feeling refreshed
  3. More alert 
  4. Increase in the respond speed
  5. Improvement in sleep quality (Able to sleep by doing customized self hypnosis and without the use of sleeping pill)
Before she started the clinical hypnotherapy session, her depression screening test showed a score of 29 (Category: moderate to severe depression). After 3 sessions of clinical hypnotherapy, she now had a score of 9 (Category: none to mild depression).

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of (Clinical Hypnotherapist Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Your Gut Microbes Can Affect Your Health in Numerous Ways

Your Gut Microbes Can Affect Your Health in Numerous Ways

In recent years, it’s become increasingly clear that the microbes in your gut play a much more vital role in your health than previously thought possible. In fact, probiotics, along with a host of other gut microorganisms, are so crucial to your health that researchers have compared them to "a newly recognized organ." Besides research implicating gut bacteria in mental health and behavior, other research has shown that your microbiota also has an impact on:
  1. Immune system function: Biologist Sarkis Mazmanian5 believes bacteria can train your immune system to distinguish between "foreign" microbes and those originating in your body. His work is laying the groundwork for new therapies using probiotics to treat a variety of diseases, particularly autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's.
  2. Mazmanian and colleagues were recently awarded the MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" for identifying an organism that originates in the human body (opposed to a fermented food) that has demonstrable health benefits in both animal and human cells. The organism has been namedBacteroides fragillis, and is found in 15-20 percent of humans. His group hopes to one day be able to test this body-originated bacteria in human clinical trials.
  3. Gene expression: Researchers have discovered that the absence or presence of gut microorganisms during infancy permanently alters gene expression. Through gene profiling, they were able to discern that absence of gut bacteria altered genes and signaling pathways involved in learning, memory, and motor control. This suggests that gut bacteria are closely tied to early brain development and subsequent behavior. These behavioral changes could be reversed as long as the mice were exposed to normal microorganisms early in life. But once the germ-free mice had reached adulthood, colonizing them with bacteria did not influence their behavior.
  4. In a similar way, probiotics have also been found to influence the activity of hundreds of your genes, helping them to express in a positive, disease-fighting manner.
  5. Diabetes: Bacterial populations in the gut of diabetics6 differ from non-diabetics, according to a study from Denmark. In particular, diabetics had fewer Firmicutes and more plentiful amounts of Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria, compared to non-diabetics. The study also found a positive correlation for the ratios of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes and reduced glucose tolerance. The researchers concluded:
  6. "The results of this study indicate that type 2 diabetes in humans is associated with compositional changes in intestinal microbiota."
  7. Obesity: The make-up of gut bacteria tends to differ in lean vs. obese people. This is one of the strongest areas of probiotic research to date, and you can read about a handful of such studies here. The bottom line is that restoring your gut flora should be an important consideration if you're struggling to lose weight.
  8. Autism: Establishment of normal gut flora in the first 20 days or so of life plays a crucial role in appropriate maturation of your baby's immune system. Hence, babies who develop abnormal gut flora are left with compromised immune systems and are particularly at risk for developing such disorders as ADHD, learning disabilities and autism, particularly if they are vaccinated before restoring balance to their gut flora.
  9. To get a solid understanding of just how this connection works, I highly recommend reviewing the information shared by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in this previous interview.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Success Story (Stress Management - Miss E)

A little stress is helpful for peak performance, but too much stress can cause much more than a bad mood. 
According to Mayo Clinic, The long-term activation of the stress-response system — and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones — can disrupt almost all your body's processes. This puts you at increased risk of numerous health problems, including:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Heart disease
  • Sleep problems
  • Weight gain
  • Memory and concentration impairment
That's why it's so important to learn healthy ways to cope with the stressors in your life.

My client: Miss E primarily came to see me for her stress issues.
After I analyze her unique brainwave patterns and her response to neuro-hypnotherapy, I create a customized self-hypnosis method for her and guide her on how to do it effectively while monitoring her brainwaves. For the first session, I spent 2 hours with her to reduce her stress and anxiety issues.

Following is the result obtained:

Hi-Beta brainwaves are associated with stress, anxiety and tension.
Alpha and theta brainwaves are associated with relaxed and subconscious mental activities.
After the first session, she told me that she felt a sense of relief and she complied to practice her customized self hypnosis technique for stress management once a day until her next visit.
10 days later, she came to see me again. Before I started the session, she told me that she feels a lot more positive and calm. Miss Eu found that her stress level decreased significantly. She faces no more harmful thought and is more optimistic after her first neuro-hypnotherapy session. 

For this round, her objective of the session is to improve her confident level so that she can achieve her goal and practice her self hypnosis technique in front of me.

As you can see from the graph above, her brainwaves patterns (Same location on her brain) is significantly changed! After 10 days of practicing her customized self hypnosis tool, now she is able to go into deep hypnotic trance state and relax herself by keep increasing her alpha brainwaves (Relaxed and calm) and decrease her own Hi-Beta brainwaves (Stress and anxiety).

After the session, she told me that she feels very confident to move toward her goals in life and feels very motivated to fight for her future. She felt empowered after the session and was very satisfied with the skill and the cutting edge technology that was used for her. She found that my unique neuro-hypnotherapy approach was very effective and amazing.

Now she realizes that stress doesn't have to control her!

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of (Clinical Hypnotherapist Koo). Client names in stories are changed to protect their identities.
