Showing posts with label EEG biofeedback. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EEG biofeedback. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Therapy for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) in Malaysia

What is PoTS?

  • Postural          position of the body
  • Tachycardia   increased heart rate
  • Syndrome     a combination of symptoms

Postural tachycardia syndrome is an abnormality of the functioning of the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. To be diagnosed with PoTS, an individual must experience a group of symptoms in the upright position (usually standing) that are relieved by lying down. A persistent increase in heart rate of 30 beats per minute (40 bpm if under 19 years of age) should be recorded within ten minutes of standing. Blood pressure (BP) does not always drop in PoTS.
Patients can be very disabled by their symptoms.  Fortunately, for many patients, symptoms will improve with a combination of life style changes and medication.  However some will have problems over many years.
Many health care professionals do not know that PoTS exists and so may not think of the diagnosis.  If you think you may have this condition, it may help to take a printout of information from this website to your appointment.

The Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) is an abnormality of the autonomic nervous system (sometimes called ‘dysautonomia’). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is in charge of all bodily functions that we don’t have to think about, such as:
  • Heart rate and blood pressure regulation
  • Digestion
  • Bladder control
  • Sweating
  • Stress response
The sympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system. It produces the ‘fight or flight’ or ‘stress’ response. When activated, a chemical called norepinephrine is released. Amongst other things, this causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

Treatment for PoTs  in Malaysia?
The Autonomic Nervous System has two branches, the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic, which regulate the involuntary processes of the body, the viscera, and sense organs, glands and blood vessels. In evolutionary terms it is older than the CNS and its anatomical circuitry is broadly dispersed, creating a general response, quite unlike the highly specific pathways and response of the CNS. This generalised, widely distributed structure enables it to mediate overall changes in state; it is part of the limbic system which has also been known as the mammalian or emotional brain.

When a person looks at the world, he or she is confronted with an overwhelming amount of sensory information—sights, sounds, smells, and so on. After being processed in the brain's sensory areas, the information is relayed to the amygdala, which acts as a portal to the emotion-regulating limbic system. Using input from the individual's stored knowledge, the amygdala determines how the person should respond emotionally—for example, with fear (at the sight of a burglar), lust (on seeing a lover) or indifference (when facing something trivial). Messages cascade from the amygdala to the rest of the limbic system and eventually reach the autonomic nervous system, which prepares the body for action. If the person is confronting a burglar, for example, his heart rate will rise and his body will sweat to dissipate the heat from muscular exertion. The autonomic arousal, in turn, feeds back into the brain, amplifying the emotional response. Over time, the amygdala creates a salience landscape, a map that details the emotional significance of everything in the individual's environment.

Recent brain research indicates that it is possible to talk to the amygdala, a key part of the brain that deals with certain emotions. The inner mind is concerned with emotion, imagination and memory as well as the autonomic nervous system which automatically controls our internal organs. By talking to the amygdala, an experienced clinical hypnotherapist can relax the autonomic nervous system shutting down, or curtailing the trigger that sets off secretion of the adrenal and pituitary glands. This gives the body an opportunity to rebuild its immune system in many chronic illnesses. 
By using the technique of neuro-hypnotherapy Malaysia, we can peek into the brain region which associated with the regulation of amygdala now. It is safe, painless, non-invasive and no side effect.

"The mind is like an onion. The outer layer, or conscious mind, deals with intelligence, reality, and logic. The inner mind is concerned with emotion, imagination, and memory, as well as the autonomic nervous system which automatically controls our internal organs (i.e., how we breathe, send oxygen to our blood cells, or walk without using the conscious mind.) The internal mind is on autopilot, reacting to the dictates of the pleasure principle. It seeks pleasure and avoids pain" (Warren, 2003, pp. 175-6).
It is these characteristics that make hypnosis a highly effective therapeutic tool in dealing with a wide spectrum of mental and physical disorders. When a clinical hypnotherapist is doing hypnosis, the amygdala is turned down. The clinical hypnotherapist can actually relax the autonomic nervous system, shutting down the usual "fight, flight, or freeze" response and curtailing the trigger that sets off secretion of the pituitary and adrenal glands. This gives the body a chance to build up its immune system and reduce trauma (Frank and Mooney, 2002) in many chronic illnesses (i.e., irritable syndrome, bulimia, cancer, high blood pressure, and Parkinson's disease.) Even the Wall Street Journal (Friedman, 2003) has documented how hypnosis has entered the mainstream and is using trance states for fractures, cancer, and burns and speeding recovery time.


Monday, October 26, 2015

【我的少女時代 Our Times】观后感

最近听说在台湾制作的【我的少女時代 Our Times】好评如潮,于是抱着好奇的心去观赏了这部电影。 

我个人认为这部电影里头人物的心理发展建构得很写实,也善用了亲和感(rapport),呼应(pacing)和镜像术(Mirroring)的催眠原理。善于运用这些手法,确实能成功勾起我们潜意识里的情绪。 当我们情绪随着剧情达到高峰点时,电影里开始播起舒服调调的主题曲“小幸运”,确实能在我们心里造成个心瞄(anchoring)。这或许就是为何我们每次听到这首歌曲就不自觉勾起潜意识里的情绪反应。一直想要重播这首歌曲,去勾起潜意识里那悸动的情绪。







脑波检测服务 EEG biofeedback and autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) assessment让你更了解你的脑波自律神经状态:
透过脑电波,我们可以看见肉眼察觉不到的身心状态。精密测量脑电波,对觉醒活动必需的休息、注意力、集中力等三种状态进行神经反馈测试,从而对大脑的自律神经系自我调节能力进行科学的分析,正确了解活动中的大脑功能。这能让我们更了解自己大脑的自律神经是否操作顺利。透过脑电波Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Hi-Beta的呈现状态,我们能够更了解你目前的脑波状态是否属于亚健康。我们中心有提供独家脑波和自律神经状态检测服务哦!


Sunday, October 25, 2015

[Corporate Health Talk on Stress Management] Group Hypnotherapy Session at Lonpac Insurance Bhd

 Group hypnotherapy session to relieve stress
Yes, you can train your brainwaves like a muscle!
"Ubah frekuensi gelombang otak" by using neuro-hypnotherapy training method.
I mentioned about this concept in newspaper before.

                       Chinese Physician was sharing how to use therapeutic massage to reduce stress.

 Naturopath was sharing how to reduce stress by using the concept of nutritional therapy.
She shared similar nutritional therapy tips on 8TV program too.

Health Talk conducted in English at Lonpac Insurance Bhd.

Health Talk Topic:
Stress Management tips from Clinical Hypnotherapist, Chinese Physician and Naturopath.

Esther Peh, President of Naturopathic Medical Association Malaysia 
Hiro Koo, Clinical Hypnotherapist 
 Madam Low, Chinese Physician

Group Activities:
1) Group hypnotherapy session 
2) Therapeutic massage DIY session
3) DIY juice therapy
4) Brain assessment for understanding your stress, focus and attention abilities

Contact us if you are interested. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

脑波自律神经失调检查服务EEG biofeedback and autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) assessment

What is Dysautonomia or Autonomic Dysfunction? 

Dysautonomia or Autonomic Dysfunction is an umbrella term used to describe several different medical conditions that cause a malfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System. The Autonomic Nervous System controls the "automatic" functions of the body that we do not consciously think about, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, dilation and constriction of the pupils of the eye, kidney function, and temperature control. People living with various forms of dysautonomia have trouble regulating these systems, which can result in lightheadedness, fainting, unstable blood pressure, abnormal heart rates, malnutrition, and in severe cases, death. Dysautonomia is not rare. Over 70 million people worldwide live with various forms of dysautonomia. People of any age, gender or race can be impacted.
2 Parts of the Autonomic Nervous System The autonomic nervous system, also known as the involuntary nervous system, regulates those facets in the body that occur automatically, such as breathing, blood pressure, digestion, heart beat, bladder function and narrowing or widening of the blood vessels. It is composed of two branches - the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system is also known as our stress response system, or the fight or flight system, and it is set into motion when we experience stress. It increases our heart rate and blood pressure, dilates pupils, restricts circulation, slows down digestion, relaxes the bladder, makes us more alert and aware and provides a boost in energy so that we are capable of dealing with the stressful situation effectively. It increases energy and is often referred to as the accelerator of the autonomic nervous system.

The job of the parasympathetic nervous system is the exact opposite. Once the stressful event is over, it brings the heart rate and blood pressure back to normal, constricts pupils, improves circulation, enhances digestion, calms us down, contracts the bladder and puts us into a state of rest and relaxation. It conserves energy and is often referred to as the breaks of the autonomic nervous system.
What Causes Dysautonomia or Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction? 
When the autonomic nervous system is functioning as it should, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system work in perfect harmony together to maintain balance in the body. The sympathetic nervous system provides us with the tools we need to respond to stress adequately and the parasympathetic nervous system restores us to our normal state of peace and tranquility. Dysautonomia, or autonomic nervous system dysfunction, occurs when these two systems fail to work together in harmony. The most common scenario is the sympathetic nervous system remains dominant most of the time and the parasympathetic rarely turns on, which is referred to as sympathetic dominance. When this occurs, then the body remains in a state of fight or flight most of the time or at all times. The stress response system never or rarely turns off. If the body remains in a state of fight or flight all the time, then many degenerative processes begin to happen and result in a variety of chronic health conditions and overall poor health like those in our list above, because it is only supposed to be used for brief emergencies.

Our assessment services for the Dysautonomia or Autonomic Dysfunction:
EEG biofeedback and autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) assessment 
The fight-or-flight response activates the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system resulting in numerous physiological and mental alterations. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system was able to be quantitatively measured using EEG biofeeedback.

ES-Teck assessment
The ES-Teck assessment is not a diag­nos­tic tool. This device gives health care providers and their clients invalu­able infor­ma­tion by allow­ing them to mea­sure and mon­i­tor var­i­ous char­ac­ter­is­tics of the body’s physiology. Using a finger “Oximeter” it allows for observation of heart rate, tissue oxygen uptake, arterial stiffness, hemodynamic indicators and autonomic nervous system (ANS) levels of activity. Gives health care providers and patients invaluable information by allowing them to measure and monitor various characteristics of the body’s physiology and autonomic nervous system conduction.

可否听说过自律神经失调?通常有自律神经失调症状的人,在經過各種儀器檢查出來都很正常并查不出病因的。 面对自律神经失调的人,严重者甚至会有“逛医院或诊所(即不停的找寻病源但无法找着)”的问题。

自律神經失調並不是一種病,而是一系列的症狀,也就是症候群,病因可能有許多種,也有許多種疾病會出現這些症狀,例如抑郁症depression、恐慌症panic attack or anxiety disorder等等。因為針對的器官不同,可能出現以下某些症狀:


這裡將自律神經失調分成2種,快快了解成因,改善自律神經失調,告別沒有朝氣的自己! 交感神經讓你活動: 當身體需要活動、抗壓時,就是交感神經活躍的時候。這時心臟、肺的作用力大幅提升,體溫與血壓也跟著上升,調整身體狀態,使你精神飽滿,又能燃燒體脂肪!此時消化與排泄作用則會進入休息狀態。

★大腦活動旺盛 - 快速處理接收的情報,掌管心臟與肺臟。 
★不易有睡意 - 腎上腺素分泌抗壓荷爾蒙,提高大腦與身體的活動量,不易有睡意。 
★心跳加快,血壓上升 - 加速心臟跳動,將身體活動所需的充足血液,送到身體各器官。 
★消耗熱量 - 交感神經運作,消耗熱量,燃燒體脂肪! 
★支氣管擴張 - 支氣管擴張,呼吸次數增加,將大量空氣送入肺中,提供新鮮酵素。 
★子宮收縮 - 交感神經活躍時,子宮會收縮,例如生產時收縮子宮,將小Baby順利產出。 
★抑制胃酸分泌 - 心與肺活動時,腸胃不須有太大活動,所以會抑制胃酸分泌,以利能量釋放。 
★腸胃蠕動變慢 - 使排便暫緩、腸胃蠕動變慢,持續強烈緊張而便秘時,就是交感神經過度興奮。
 ★不易排尿 - 身體活動時,必須讓環境穩定,抑制排尿則可以變得更有效率。 副交感神經讓你放鬆: 副交感神經會舒緩緊張,放鬆身體,受到交感神經的刺激,減緩心臟與肺的活動力,使胃腸活動旺盛,促進消化吸收,將不需要的物質以尿液或汗排出。 尤其在睡眠時,活動力更是旺盛! 

★大腦呈休息狀態 - 大腦進入休息狀態,使全身放鬆。 
★心臟跳動減緩,血壓下降 - 休息時不需要太多血液,所以心跳減緩,血壓下降。 
★支氣管收縮 - 在休息狀態中,身體不需做劇烈活動,所以也不須要太多空氣。 
★腸胃蠕動旺盛 - 腸胃蠕動旺盛,就能將老廢物質排出體外,在放鬆狀態容易想要排便,就是這個緣故呢! 
★刺激生長激素 - 副交感神經活躍,刺激肌膚等的新陳代謝,使生長激素分泌旺盛。 
★舒緩子宮緊張 - 使肌肉休息,舒緩子宮緊張,例如抑制子宮收縮,讓小Baby可以在子宮中長大。 
★分泌胃酸 - 副交感神經活躍,是為了儲存能量,於是胃的活動大增,胃酸分泌增多。 
★容易排尿 - 副交感神經活躍,膀胱收縮,刺激排尿作用,將老廢物質排出體外。 交感神經與副交感神經,為使每天的必要性活動能執行,不斷地做轉換,使身體保持最佳狀態! 不過,壓力過大,交感神經會持續過度興奮狀態;過度疲勞,副交感神經同樣也會有過度興奮情形產生,当2種神經無法順利轉換,平衡失調。失調的情況持續下去,副交感與交感神經都會因為活動過盛,而感到疲倦,到最後一點幹勁也沒有,身心俱疲,便會產生抑郁depressed狀態。

脑波检测服务 EEG biofeedback and autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) assessment让你更了解你的大脑自律神经状态:
透过脑电波,我们可以看见肉眼察觉不到的身心状态。精密测量脑电波,对觉醒活动必需的休息、注意力、集中力等三种状态进行神经反馈测试,从而对大脑的自律神经系自我调节能力进行科学的分析,正确了解活动中的大脑功能。这能让我们更了解自己大脑的自律神经是否操作顺利。透过脑电波Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Hi-Beta的呈现状态,我们能够更了解你目前的脑波状态是否属于亚健康。我们中心提供独家脑波检测服务,有兴趣就尽快联络我们,了解更多检测详情吧!


Monday, October 12, 2015

[Event] Smart Kids Asia 2015

这一次的Smart Kids Asia来到了KLCC举行。


这个脑波测试EEG biofeedback scanning主要是让大家了解自己的脑执行功能,注意力,脑压力与焦虑指数。短短的10分钟就可以了解自己的脑部执行相关功能,是不是很妙呢?



Tuesday, October 6, 2015

[PurelyB] Mindful Topic: Emotional Support for Motherhood (Written by Hiro Koo)

Mindful Topic: Emotional Support for Motherhood“I am so worried about my baby! I don’t know whether I can be a good mother,” a pregnant lady told her husband. Indeed, the process of pregnancy can be stressful and it is one of the major life changing events. 
It is quite difficult for the gentlemen to understand the feelings throughout the whole pregnancy process - they might feel some differences but not as strong and direct as one who is pregnant. Thus, conflict between husband and wife is always an issue during pregnancy. Due to hormone secretion and body image changes, a pregnant woman can easily encounter problems with mood swings.
Mothers-to-be may need to overcome quite a number of problems such as changes in quality and quantity of sleep as well as anxiety issues. Research shows that people with sleep deprivation have higher chances of enhanced impulsivity to negative stimuli (Anderson & Platten, 2010) or even other issues related to memory deprivation and executive functioning (Fortier-Brochu, Beaulieu-Bonneau, Ivers, & Morin, 2010). Thus, a pregnant woman without good sleep may think irrationally and tend to be disorganised.

Emotional support is very important during this stage. Hence, as an intimate partner or close friends and family, we would need to provide sufficient emotional support throughout the whole pregnancy process. Some issues that most pregnant women may encounter are further discussed below.
Motherhood Above Fear and Anxiety 2 of 3

Fear and Anxiety

Anxiety is a common issue that most pregnant women need to overcome. She may worry about the condition of her baby, her husband, her competency to be a mother, the labour and delivery procedure, her work status, any unresolved tasks and more. People who tend to think too much ahead are more likely to experience anxious feelings. However, it is quite difficult to control our thoughts. In fact, the more you try to restrict yourself from having certain thoughts, you will end up thinking it over and over again. For example, when one says, “Don’t think of an elephant”, your brain will definitely receive this command and process it before setting a filter in front, where you will then end up with a big fat elephant on your mind.  
What we can do is to merely live in the present and enjoy the moment.  Self-hypnosis is a proven technique to reduce pain intensity and to cope with anxiety. Hence, a pregnant woman should equip herself with a personalised self-hypnosis method from a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist registered with the Association of Hypnotherapy Practitioner Malaysia (AHPM). 

Sleep Issue

How well do you sleep? Or how often do you sleep? People with anxiety problems can never fall asleep easily. When you worry excessively and are anxious, your fast brainwaves become dominant which leads to sleep problems, where you would spend lesser time in sleep even when you feel tired. If your slow brainwaves activities cannot increase during bedtime, it may even lead to bad sleep quality. People who lack sleep might experience depression (Watson et al., 2014). Sleep deprivation also can lead to memory problems (Fortier-Brochu, Beaulieu-Bonneau, Ivers, & Morin, 2010), irrational thoughts, impulsivity and problems coping with stress (Anderson & Platten, 2010). You will then become more vulnerable to stressors. Hypnotherapy has been proven to help sleep-related issues and increase the amount and duration of slow wave sleep effectively (Cordi, Schlarb, & Rasch, 2014). Hence, seeing a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist is essential to assure better sleep quality and quantity throughout your pregnancy.     
Motherhood Above Mood Swings 3 of 3

Mood Swings

Quite a number of pregnant women experience mood swings which can be very apparent to those around them. She may tend to act irrationally when it comes to decision-making or planning. Additionally, her mood swings might affect those around her. Emotional support by providing an attentive listening ear and showing empathy is what she needs at this point. A pregnant woman usually needs someone who is able to provide non-judgmental support. A good listener could be anyone, such as close friends, siblings, family, partner or even a counsellor or psychologist. 
A scientifically-proven, safe, and non-invasive method, known as the “Brain Traner”, is found to overcome mood swings effectively. It can enhance the functions of the different parts of the brain. In this case, by training the prefrontal lobe area (near our forehead), logical and analytical thinking as well as mood regulation functions can be significantly improved. Research also found that EEG biofeedback therapy (brain trainer) showed better improvement, compared to a group using psychotherapy, in mood-related issues (Linden, 2014). The gaming component of brain trainer proves a lot more interesting than conventional psychotherapy as they can objectively monitor changes in their own brainwaves throughout the training course. 

Body Image

For the first time mother, changes in her appearance may lead to different thoughts, while some are refreshing and new, some other thoughts may be stressful. For example, one could have lower self-esteem and become more suspicious. This is linked closely to one’s perceived level of attractiveness and worries about appearance. In this case, one should turn to one’s partner for positive affirmation. On the other hand, working up a weight-loss plan together with your partner might be another good idea to get a sense of security and support. Enrolling in a Hypno-Band weight loss programme may help to work both the mind and body, which is a long-term solution to weight problems. You could also approach a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist who could help in weight loss. 

  • Anderson, C., & Platten, C. R. (2010). Sleep deprivation lowers inhibition and enhances impulsivity to negative stimuli. Behavioural Brain Research, 217(2), 463 – 466. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2010.09.020
  • Cordi, M. J., Schlarb, A. A., & Rasch, B. (2014). Deepening sleep by hypnotic suggestion. Sleep, 37(6), 1143-1152. doi: 10.5665/sleep.3778
  • Fortier-Brochu, É., Beaulieu-Bonneau, S., Ivers, H., & Morin, C. M. (2010). Insomnia and daytime cognitive performance: A meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews , 16(1) , 83 – 94. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2011.03.008
  • Linden, D. E. J. (2014). Neurofeedback and networks of depression. Dialogues in Clinical
  • Neuroscience, 16(1), 103–112. Retrieved from
  • Watson, N. F., Harden, K. P., Buchwald, D., Vitiello, M. V., Pack, A. I., Strachan, E., & Goldberg, J. (2014). Sleep Duration and Depressive Symptoms: A Gene-Environment Interaction. Sleep, 37(2), 351–358. doi:10.5665/sleep.3412

All retrieved from:

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

[Interactive Health Talk on Stress Management] Group Hypnotherapy Session at Public Bank HQ

During the group neuro-hypnotherapy session, our EEG biofeedback device was hooked up to a client's brain in order to read and scan brain activity. It is completely safe, non invavise, painless and no side effect. 
Group hypnotherapy session 

Health Talk conducted in English at Public Bank HQ.

Health Talk Topic:
Stop Stressing, Start Living 

Esther Peh, President of Naturopathic Medical Association Malaysia 
Hiro Koo, Clinical Hypnotherapist 
 Madam Low, Chinese Physician

Group Activities:
1) Group hypnotherapy session 
2) Therapeutic massage DIY session
3) DIY juice therapy

Contact us if you are interested. 

这场在Public Bank HQ主办的Stress Management Interactive Health Talk吸引人上百人参加。
除了学习为该公司订做的自我催眠疗法,现场也示范了如何在家自己做刮痧排出压力和如何从饮食上着手调整压力指数。 谢谢大家的合作,让整个讲座非常顺利的进行。

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

[Testimonial] Bipolar Disorder Treatment Malaysia - Crystal Chong

For years I have dealt with depression, anxiety, moments of crying and suspected having PTSD. 17 years ago, I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder by psychiatrist at UMMC. With that I dealt with symptoms with doctors prescriptions having multiple side effects to control symptoms. 

I found SOL integrative wellness centre through the internet and met Hiro Koo. He recommended EEG biofeedback therapy to me. After 10 sessions of the therapy, changes in my symptoms is impressed especially the sleeping quality. Now I can sleep through the night. Besides that, I am now feeling more calm and less emotionally sensitive. Most importantly, I noticed my heart palpitation is reduced which I called it as "anxiety attack".

Thank you for my new life and experience. The therapy is added quality years to my life. I would recommended the therapy. It will change your life!

- Crystal Chong

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is characterized by unusually large fluctuations in mood such that a person experiences recurrent episodes of depressedmood and episodes of being in an abnormally “elevated, expansive or irritable” mood according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 4th ed. of the American Psychiatric Society (DSM-IV, 1994). Bipolar disorder was previously known as manic-depressive illness.

Describing Bipolar Disorder

Before describing the diagnostic features of bipolar disorder, it is necessary to understand that the elevated mood mentioned in the definition above is classified into two subtypes; manic, and hypomanic.
The DSM-IV states that a hypomanic episode is distinguished from a manic episode in that hypomania is not so severe as mania and does not lead to “marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or requiring hospitalization”.
Hence the symptoms exhibited in mania and hypomania are similar varying only in degree or intensity and may include:
  • Self esteem significantly elevated above the usual, grandiosity
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Hyperactivity
  • Talking too much and or feeling the need to talk
  • Racing thoughts
  • Increased distractibility
  • An intense drive to attain some goal (sexual, social or career in nature)
  • Engaging in pleasurable activities without considering the long term consequences e.g. buying a condominium on the spur of the moment perhaps without the necessary financial means.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

[Event] Early ChildHood Education Expo 2015

ECEE stage program:
"How to train your brain like a muscle"
By SOL Integrative Wellness Centre.

ECEE at Setia City Convention Center (SCCC) on 15th and 16th August 2015. This Event is open to public and free admission to the Expo from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm. This platform will showcase range of preschools, including international schools, Islamic preschools, kindergartens, enrichment centers, education products, health and baby products.

How to get smarter?
If you’re an athlete preparing for a race, you have to work on two levels. First you have to take care of the basics – getting enough sleep, regular maintenance exercise, a healthy diet. In the same way, optimal performance for your brain requires the same attention to sleep, exercise, and diet.

If you want to perform your best, physically or mentally, you need to go beyond the basics. You need to build your brain’s strength, flexibility, and endurance: your cognitive ability. There are a variety of tools and techniques that can help, and one of the most effective is EEG biofeedback.

What Luis, Kayla, Madeline, and Brandon did is possible for anyone who can respond to feedback. Our brains learn. It’s what they were designed to do. Our brains can learn not only facts, but also how to focus, and how to process information more efficiently and easily. That is what makes you smart.


Saturday, August 8, 2015

[Event] Walk for Autism 2015

I will be there, how about you?
We will offer a brain assessment session FOR FREE during Walk for Autism 2015, at Citta Mall. Come and join us!

Anyone who makes a donation of RM40 can participate in the Walk and be entitled to the T-shirt which they are required to wear on the day of the walk. All donations will be issued a tax exempt receipt. Detail of the event as follows: Walk for Autism 2015, Sunday, August 16th at 7.00 AM, Venue: Citta Mall, Ara Damansara in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
For more information or to register, kindly email your name, T-shirt size and proof of payment to [email protected] or [email protected].
Payment details are as follows:
ACCOUNT NO: 860 054 9806


Monday, July 20, 2015

【伊白女王 III】Q-E3 大马时尚美容Magazine (20/07/2015) 催眠 X 自信

催眠 X 自信

你有完美的嗓子,梦想站在大舞台上高歌一曲;你有高挑的身材,梦想在时尚秀场上展现猫步。你心里想了想: “我有的是天赋,为什么就是没勇气踏上那个舞台?“。成千上万双眼睛注视着自己,心开始退缩了。
你还记得上次小编与临床催眠治疗师 Hiro Koo先生的专访吗?这一次,Mr. Koo会延续分享有关催眠的话题之外,还会带你寻找埋没在深处的自信心。想要重拾自信的你要用心看完哦!

Text: 瀞瑩
Edit: Elizabeth
Photography: Chris

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

【伊白女王 III】Q-E3 大马时尚美容Magazine (13/07/2015) 催眠 X 焦虑症

“现在你看着我的手,深呼吸,我数 1,2,3… …睡着… …” 很熟悉的对白吧?没错,这就是我们经常在电视或电影里看到的催眠师与主角的对话。催眠师给予你的印象是什么?你对这行业了解有多深?你又是否遇过真正的催眠师呢?
【伊白女王 III】 很感谢临床催眠治疗师Hiro Koo先生接受我们的访问。Mr. Koo将会让我们重新认识什么是催眠,究竟它对我们日常生活当中的作息有什么帮助。小编与亲爱的读者一起上课啦!

Text: 瀞瑩
Edit: Elizabeth
Photography: Chris

Monday, July 6, 2015

Treating ADHD, Anxiety, Depression: Here are 6 Important Things Your Doctors Won't Tell You

Treating ADHD, Anxiety, Depression: Here are 6 Important Things Your Doctors Won't Tell You. 

1. Your child is most likely suffering from a nutritional deficiency and/or a food sensitivity

2. Genetically modified foods (GMOs), food preservatives & chemicals are contributing to many of your child's attention, focus, sleep issues and even psychiatric symptoms. 

3. For every medication that benefits a person, there is a natural plant or remedy that can achieve the same result without the consequence of side-effects. 

4. Our emotions are largely governed by the state of our intestinal system. There is more serotonin in our bowels then in our brain. 

5. Research has shown that the brain has a tremendous amount of neuroplasticity. Brain training therapies such as Brain Balance, Integrative Reflex, Vision & EEG biofeedback can make a world of difference. 

6. The body has a greater ability to heal than anyone has permitted you to believe and recovery is possible without the need for potentially dangerous medication. 


Monday, June 22, 2015

Treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases in Malaysia

The role of hypnotherapy for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic disorders of unknown aetiology which are characterized by episodes of exacerbations and remissions. 

Inflammatory bowel disease symptoms vary, depending on the severity of inflammation and where it occurs. Symptoms may range from mild to severe. You are likely to have periods of active illness followed by periods of remission.
Signs and symptoms that are common to both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis include:
  • Diarrhea. Diarrhea is a common problem for people with IBD.
  • Fever and fatigue. Many people with IBD experience a low-grade fever. You may also feel tired or have low energy.
  • Abdominal pain and cramping. Inflammation and ulceration can affect the normal movement of contents through your digestive tract and may lead to pain and cramping. You may also experience nausea and vomiting.
  • Blood in your stool. You might notice bright red blood in the toilet bowl or darker blood mixed with your stool. You can also have bleeding you don't see (occult blood).
  • Reduced appetite. Abdominal pain and cramping, as well as inflammation, can affect your appetite.
  • Unintended weight loss. You may lose weight and even become malnourished because you cannot properly digest and absorb food.

There is evidence that perceived distress contributes to IBD symptom flares; anxiety and depression are frequently found in patients with the active disease. 
Because there is no cure, treatment has to focus on 
1) Prevention of complications
2) induction/maintenance of remission 
3) Improvement of quality of life. 

Gut-directed hypnotherapy (GHT) has been used successfully in functional gastrointestinal disorders. Few experimental studies and case reports have been published for IBD; GHT increases the health-related quality of life and reduces symptoms. 

Additionally, GHT seems to have an immune-modulating effect and is able to augment clinical remission in patients with quiescent ulcerative colitis.

How able to help you?
We have a wide range of health plans for you to choose from, and we'll work with you to tailor a plan that suits your condition after your free consultation session.
1) Gut-directed hypnotherapy (GHT)
2) Personalized Self Hypnosis Method
3) EEG biofeedback therapy
4) Nutritional psychology to improve your mood
5) Traditional and complementary medicine (Non-drug approach & Integrated healthcare method)

Email us for a free consultation:
[email protected]
