Showing posts with label neurohypnotherapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neurohypnotherapy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

[review] Tourette syndrome therapy malaysia - Henry Case

When I first sent my teenager boy for brain trainer (EEG biofeedback) and Neuro-hypnotherapy, I was hoping to help him to manage tourette syndrome and his attitude. Noticeable changes was seen after 3 treatment (Neuro-hypnotherapy and EEG biofeedback sessions), he had been more positive and well behaved. His tourette syndrome symptoms are ignorable today after 16 sessions of brain trainer (EEG biofeedback). I am really thankful to your centre for this miracle changes where no other doctors can do for him so far (He doesn't have to go through for surgery now).
- Mother of Henry, Mrs Koh.

In most cases, the treatment plan for tics could involve one or more of the following: 

  • Treatments that don't involve taking medication – psychotherapy and alternative therapies 
  • Medication – the three types of medication that may be prescribed are alpha2-adrenergic agonists, muscle relaxants and dopamine antagonists 
  • Surgery –surgical techniques may be suitable - such as deep brain stimulation

Yes, In Malaysia we offer natural and alternative therapies for Tourette's Syndrome by using Neuro-Hypnotherapy and EEG biofeedback therapy:

1) Neuro-Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, reported that self-hypnosis aided by the use of videotape training may help children with Tourette’s syndrome to manage tic disorders. Thirty-three young patients were recruited for the study and trained in self-hypnosis techniques by watching a videotaped series featuring a boy undergoing training for tic control. The results of the study, published in the “Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics,” found that 79 percent of the participants continued to control tics after a six-week follow-up. Of theses, 46 percent were able to modify tic frequency after two self-hypnosis session, and 96 percent after three. The study concluded that self-hypnosis is a valuable addition to a multidisciplinary tic-management program.

2) EEG biofeedback therapy and Tourette Syndrome

Recent research has uncovered two key types of brain dysregulation in Tourette Syndrome. The first has to do with the sensorimotor rhythm, better known as the SMR. The SMR appears as distinct “spindle” patterns, representing synchronized electrical activity within the brain. Interestingly, the SMR is actually not yet well understood by neuroscientists. SMR amplitude is known to be higher when a person isn’t moving, when the sensorimotor areas of the brain are idle. Motor tasks and even motor mental imagery cause the SMR’s amplitude to decrease. Tourette Syndrome patients additionally have been shown to have excess theta wave activity in the frontal lobes. SMR and frontal theta dysfunction are believed to lie at the heart of Tourette Syndrome.
What is known, however, is that EEG biofeedback therapy can in fact be used to gain control over one’s own sensorimotor rhythm. This is at the heart of the potential of EEG biofeedback therapy to help manage Tourette symptoms. Researchers are already producing evidence that EEG biofeedback therapy focused on the SMR can help reduce tics. In one successful case study, a 17-year-old Tourette patient was given EEG biofeedback training with protocols designed to increase SMR and reduce theta, although researchers found that SMR training alone was actually somewhat more effective. The patient experienced a reduction in tics, as well as improved cognitive functioning.

What Is Tourette's Syndrome? 
Tourette's syndrome is a problem with the nervous system that causes people to make sudden movements or sounds, called tics, that they can't control. For example, someone with Tourette's might blink or clear their throat over and over again. Some people may blurt out words they don't intend to say. Treatments can control tics, but some people don’t need any unless their symptoms really bother them. About 100,000 Americans have full-blown Tourette's syndrome, but more people have a milder form of the disease. It often starts in childhood, and more boys than girls get it. Symptoms often get better as children grow up. For some people, they go away completely.


Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All review have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Spectrum of Life proactive healthcare centre (Clinical Hypnotherapist Hiro Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015



  • 担心害怕今晚睡不着
  • 心情郁闷
  • 无法集中精神
  • 半夜容易惊醒
  • 浅眠
  • 多梦
  • 焦虑
  • 觉得身体开始出现状况
  • 就是感觉不舒服虽然医生说你没病
在马来西亚,截至笔者我编辑这篇文章为止,我是唯一使用Neuro-hypnotherapy脑波反馈催眠疗法,即结合高科技与传统科学的催眠疗法帮助客户克服失眠问题的Neuro-hypnotherapy脑波反馈催眠疗法创始人。只要愿意配合我的疗法与指示,大部分客户通常只需3次疗程就可以感觉到失眠问题得到显著改善与增强睡眠质量sleep quality。在不使用药物,无痛,无副作用的条件下,效果还能持久呢!原因是我将透过你的脑电波反应,教导你如何使用个人化的自我催眠方法睡个好眠。



Thursday, February 26, 2015





明明不舒服 為什麼查不出來


8.肌肉、關節:頸部緊繃酸痛、肩膀緊繃酸痛; 全身肌肉疼痛、多處神經痛、 背部及腰部緊繃疼痛、關節倦怠或無力。

怎樣克服「自律神經失調」&「生活焦慮」? 我们使用Neuro-Hypnotherapy方法来帮助您!
生物回饋治療EEG Biofeedback therapy:利用人的心智希望能影響人體自主神經系統-可調節心跳、血液與消化作用的不隨意系統。本方法可將腦波從貝他(壓力)(beta wave)轉換到阿爾法(靜態)(alpha wave)
在马来西亚,我们的脑波反馈催眠疗法Neuro-hypnotherapy结合生物回饋治療和临床催眠法;脑波反馈催眠疗法Neuro-hypnotherapy教导您如何自我转换到阿爾法(靜態)(alpha wave)或慢波(theta wave),让您可以改善自律神经失调问题。



Monday, February 16, 2015

Natural Relief for Stomach Pain

Stomachaches—ugh! Whether you have chronic abdominal pain due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or another health problem, such as Crohn’s disease or functional abdominal pain (FAP), ongoing belly discomfort can rob the joy from your life.
Popping certain pills can sometimes provide temporary relief, but since all drugs carry side effects, is there a natural way to feel better?

The use of clinical hypnotherapy has been proven to reduce pain symptoms and it has become a doctor-recommended treatment at oversea.

I use the neuro-hypnotherapy technique, whereby I can observe the brainwave going into different state such as delta, theta, alpha and beta brainwave while the suggestion is being given by the hypnotherapist during the therapy session. When your brainwaves are in  alpha state, you may notice that your breathing begins to slow down, as will your heart rate and blood pressure. This stage of hypnosis trance stage can be used to control pain. Personalized self-hypnosis method will be developed based on the brainwave observation.

Research studies:
Proven to be effective
In previous studies hypnotherapy has been shown to improve not only IBS symptoms, but also symptoms outside the intestinal system, as well as quality of life and ‘psychological co-morbidity’ – the knock-on effect from IBS on other psychological conditions.
CONCLUSION: Guided imagery treatment plus medical care was superior to standard medical care only for the treatment of abdominal pain, and treatment effects were sustained over a long period.
Psychological and behavioral interventions were classified into the following 5 primary treatment modalities: psychoeducation, behavior therapy/contingency management, relaxation-based therapies (including biofeedback and hypnotherapy), and cognitive-behavioral therapy (including cognitive-behavioral family therapy). There was a wide variation in the quality and quantity of studies within each treatment category. Effective interventions generally involved multiple therapeutic components and included elements of both individual and family treatment. Psychological interventions that combine psychoeducation, relaxation-based therapies, and cognitive-behavioral therapy appear superior to standard care (reassurance or dietary manipulation) in the elimination of pain and reduction in functional disability.
Although effective in the management of acute pain and distress in pediatric cancer patients, the use of hypnotherapy in children with FCRAP is not a common practice. The current study highly supports the use of hypnosis as a part of the biobehavioral approach for this dilemma.
The study, done by researchers from the Netherlands, tracked the impact of “gut-directed” hypnotherapy in girls and boys between the ages of 12 and 17 and young adults up to age 23 who had chronic abdominal pain. For this new study, the patients kept a pain diary. The results indicated that hypnosis may bring lasting relief for chronic tummy pain. About 68% of the participants who had been taught hypnosis were free or mostly free of abdominal pain five years later, compared with only 20% of those who had received standard therapy alone. Scores for headache, chronic fatigue and joint pain were markedly lower among the hypnosis group as well.
(Reuters Health) - Hypnosis may bring lasting relief to some kids with irritable bowel syndrome or chronic stomach pain, a small study suggests.
Researchers found that of 52 children with the tummy troubles, those who had six hypnosis sessions -- plus at-home "self-hypnosis" -- were still doing well five years later. More than two-thirds were free or mostly free of abdominal pain. That compared with just 20 percent of kids who were given standard therapy alone. Researchers led by Dr. Arine M. Vlieger, of St. Antonius Hospital in the Netherlands, reported the results in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

[Corporate health talk] PPG Industrial Coatings - Stress management and wellness workshop

Feeling stressed? 
Need some expert help to tackle the tension in your life? 
Stress is a potential killer, implicated in medical conditions from high blood pressure and infertility to heart disease. But you can learn simple but effective tools that will help you get the better of stress, before it gets the better of you.

We were invited to conduct health talk at PPG Industrial Coatings.
Advice on good health and nutrition to create the right foundation to build your new stress-reduced life.

Breathing technique that teaches you to live in the present and stays happy.

Mindfulness meditation and self-hypnosis able to help with quickly achieving a deeply relaxed state.
Reduce stress and ease anxiety with mandala coloring.

All staffs tried our iridology assessment as well as EEG brainwaves assessment during the health talk. 
They are glad they have learned the destress techniques after our health talk.

Monday, January 26, 2015

[review] Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - Ethan

Last time in school, I had trouble for focus and sometimes I get easy to become out of control. After I come to see Hiro Koo, I become easy to focus on task after 10 sessions of brain trainer (EEG biofeedback therapy). 
After another 10 session, I can follow instruction and don't get out of control easily. Now when I go to school, I can focus in the class.

I also did for 6 sessions of neuro-hypnotherapy, I become more happier and I can see positive aspect in life. Lastly after all therapy sessions, I become really good in focus, don't lost control, easily stay calm, less headache, better sleep, less anxious, don't get angry so fast, I able to make more friend (improve social skills) and I can do more activities in a group of people. I would like to thank to therapists here. 

I would like to thank them for taking their time to make me a better person. 
Thank you!

- By Ethan

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Spectrum of Life proactive healthcare centre (Clinical Hypnotherapist Hiro Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

[review] Headaches and Migraines - Miss Ang

I feel dizzy and headache for 3 months. This problem has affected my life and my studies. I have seen many doctors but they couldn't help to cure my dizziness. I have done blood test and MRI scan but the cause of my dizziness and headache still could not be found. I get to know Hiro Koo from newspaper, in the first session of neuro-hypnotherapy, I can see my EEG brainwaves and understand about the cause of my problem.

Certain part of my brain is detected to have excessive brainwaves activity. Through neuro-hypnotherapy and Hiro Koo, I found a method which is suitable for me to control my brainwaves. Neuro-hypnotherapy helped me to find a way to control my dizziness and headache.

After 2 sessions of neuro-hypnotherapy within a 3 week period, I seldom feel dizzy and headache in my daily lives. I would recommend neuro-hypnotherapy to others because it really helps in the long run because you can learn the skill that last a lifetime from Hiro Koo to self-regulate your brainwaves even without continue the neuro-hypnotherapy session.

Miss Ang
18 year old student

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All reviews have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Spectrum of Life proactive healthcare centre (Clinical Hypnotherapist Hiro Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hypnotherapy May Help Improve Deep Sleep

In the US, over a quarter of the population report not getting enough sleep, and almost 10% endure chronic insomnia. But new research from two universities in Switzerland suggests hypnosis has a surprising positive impact on quality of sleep.
The researchers, led by biopsychologist Björn Rasch from the Psychological Institute of the University of Zurich, say their findings "open up new, promising opportunities for improving the quality of sleep without drugs."
They publish their research in the journal Sleep.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) note that although sleep is often considered a "passive" activity, ample sleep is an essential part of staying healthy and preventing disease.
Insufficient sleep is linked with several chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression.
Additionally, the researchers of this latest study say that slow-wave sleep (SWS) has a positive impact on memory and immune system function, and during this period of sleep, the body secretes growth hormones, promotes cell repair and improves brain plasticity. However, the team also notes that SWS declines significantly across a person's lifespan.
Hypnosis is a technique that can impact processes that are difficult to voluntarily control - for example, when you are exhausted and want to sleep but are unable to do so.
Although patients with sleep conditions have been successfully treated with hypnotherapy in the past, the researchers say that until now, objectively measurable changes in sleep have not been proven.
In order to further investigate, the team conducted a study with 70 healthy young women who came to the sleep laboratory for a 90-minute nap during midday.
During their nap, the researchers objectively measured their sleep by recording electrical brain activity with an electroencephalogram (EEG). The team says slow-wave sleep is characterized by an even and slow oscillation in electrical activity in the brain.

Results showed that the women in the highly suggestible group experienced over 80% more SWS after hypnosis session, and their time spent awake was reduced by one third, compared with highly suggestible women who listened to the neutral text.
After they conducted additional control experiments, the researchers concluded that the beneficial effects of hypnosis on SWS were attributed to the hypnotic suggestion to "sleep deeper," stating that these effects were not simply expectancy effects.

'Unlike drugs, hypnosis has no side effects'

The research was only conducted in women, and the investigators note that females tend to have higher values for hypnotic susceptibility, compared with males. However, the team believes they would encounter similar positive effects of hypnosis on sleep for men who are highly suggestible.
Maren Cordi, a psychologist involved with the study, says "the results may be of major importance for patients with sleep problems and for older adults. In contrast to many sleep-inducing drugs, hypnosis has no adverse side effects."
The researchers conclude their study by noting that essentially everyone who responds to hypnosis could achieve better sleep with hypnosis.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Asia's First Neurofeedback Conference 2015

Last week, I had presented about my work on neuro-hypnotherapy at the Asia's First Neurofeedback Conference 2015. It's a great honour for me to be there! I am the first neuro-hypnotherapy practitioner in Asia Pacific Region who combining the EEG biofeedback/Neurofeedback and Clinical Hypnotherapy together. I am not only monitoring the brainwaves but also conducting both therapy at the same time. Neuro-hypnotherapy has shown some very promising results. 
I will share more about my success stories with you guys. 
Stay tuned!

Let me say that I was impressed with all the presentations on that day.

 Heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback presented by Dr.Gabriel Tan, associate professor and director of clinical psychology programs (National University of Singapore).

Irlen Syndrome & EEG presented by Dr.Doris.

QEEG assessment on Alzheimer and Dementia presented by Prof. Dr. Norsiah Fauzan from UNIMAS.

Clinical Psychologist Takashi Obana from Japan.

Introduction of Neurofeedback and QEEG at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Consumer Neuroscience at Nielsen

Neurofeedback and Counselling as Integrative Treatment presented by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Susie See.
And more topics about depression, autism, pediatrics and gut-brain connection by other pioneers in this field.

I am very honored to be part of this historic event!
Yup, there's more stories to share.
I love getting emails so feel free to email me sometime for more details.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Success Story (Depression and poor quality sleep with excessive dreaming)

Miss Ng has suffered from depression and poor quality sleep with excessive dreaming for more than 5 years. 
She has been prescribed anti depressant as well as drug for depression and sleep problem. 
She knows about our neuro-hypnotherapy service through Internet and she wants to try it as it is an evidence based practice (She is able to view her own brain waves). 

After 3 neuro-hypnotherapy sessions, her life become more dynamic, more positivie, with new ways of looking at things. 

The biggest difference that she has noticed is her sleep quality. Now her dreams decrease in frequency and her sleep quality and sleep quantity rise significantly. Now she able to sleep all the way till morning and able to focus more easily. 

She enjoyed the service here because of the high-quality healthcare treatments delivered in a relaxed environment. She also told us that after her neuro-hypnotherapy session, her psychiatry doctor reduced her dosage to lower amount and decrease visit frequency from once a month to every 3 months after noticed her improvement. Overall, she feels that our service is really helpful and it deals directly with the root causes of her problem. Compared to other forms of therapy such as counseling, she prefers to use neuro-hypnotherapy service as it is brief therapy and evidence based practice.

Remark: Our client's information will be kept strictly confidential all the time. All
reviews have been acknowledged and provided by past and current clients of Spectrum of Life proactive healthcare centre (Clinical Hypnotherapist Koo). Clients names have been changed to protect their identity. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

National Seminar on Counselling & Psychotherapy 2014

I represent my healthcare centre to this seminar.
This was one of the most informative seminars I have ever attended.
I have learned a lot from professors from UTM and professional hypnotherapist.
I am delighted that the contribution of hypnotherapist and other professional helpers have been recognized by professors there.

The Topics Covered include: 
1. Transference and countertransference in couselling
2. E-Counselling
3. Professional Issues & Challenges in Counselling and Psychotherapy in Malaysia
4. Issues and Challenges in Family Therapy
5. Contemporary Issues and Challenges in the Helping Profession

They were also discussing to form a new psychotherapy association under the MOH-TCM.

With Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Tajudin Ninggal (UTM) and Dr.Soo.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"Ubah frekuensi gelombang otak" KOSMO! | Newspaper | Neuro-hipnoterapi

[email protected]

NAFSU makan yang tidak terbendung merupakan igauan ngeri bagi seorang wanita muda. Kebimbangan bertambah setiap hari terutama apabila melihat skala pada mesin penimbang berat badan yang menunjukkan peningkatan setiap hari.
Hati menjadi semakin resah dan gelisah apabila memikirkan tentang perkara yang boleh mengakibatkan dirinya ditimpa penyakit serius itu.
Selain bimbang mengenai risiko kesihatan, pandangan sinis rakan-rakan dan orang sekeliling mengenai saiz tubuhnya yang semakin membesar secara tidak langsung menipiskan keyakinan dirinya untuk bersosial.
“Setiap kali saya melihat makanan, saya pasti tidak dapat menahan diri daripada menjamah hidangan tersebut. Keadaan jadi lebih parah apabila ternampak restoran makanan segera.
“Saya rasa seperti ada magnet yang menarik untuk menuju ke situ. Boleh dikatakan setiap hari saya akan singgah ke tempat itu untuk mengisi perut yang tidak pernah kenyang ini.
“Saya pernah ditegur oleh majikan mengenai saiz tubuh badan yang besar. Perkara tersebut sangat menurunkan motivasi saya untuk bekerja dan berhadapan dengan orang ramai terutama rakan sekerja,” ujar Sharon John, 24, ketika ditemui Kosmo! baru-baru ini.
Rawatan alternatif
Prihatin terhadap keadaan Sharon, ­majikannya menyarankan supaya dia mengikuti sesi neuro-hipnoterapi bagi mengatasi masalah nafsu makan dan berat badannya.
Neuro-hipnoterapi ialah kaedah rawatan alternatif yang digunakan untuk merawat penyakit-penyakit berkaitan ketidakstabilan fungsi otak, emosi dan psikologi tanpa pembedahan serta ubat-ubatan.
Mengakui agak sangsi dengan kaedah rawatan alternatif tersebut, dia tetap tekad untuk mencuba kaedah yang mula diperkenalkan di Amerika Syarikat sejak 40 tahun lalu itu.
Setelah menjalani rawatan neuro-hipnoterapi lebih kurang sebulan di pusat kesihatan Spectrum Of Life yang terletak di Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, wanita berusia 24 tahun itu berpuas hati dengan hasil rawatan tersebut apabila dia berjaya mengawal nafsu makannya.
Selain itu, berat badannya juga berkurangan sebanyak 10 kilogram selepas menjalani beberapa rawatan menurunkan berat badan yang ditawarkan di pusat tersebut seperti sauna inframerah.
“Selepas menjalani beberapa sesi neuro-hipnoterapi, saya sedari bahawa terdapat perubahan yang sangat ketara pada diri sendiri. Tanpa disedari, keinginan untuk makan yang melampau sudah hilang. Jika melihat restoran makanan segera pula sudah tidak ada kemahuan untuk menjamu selera di situ.
“Saya juga dapat mengawal jumlah pengambilan makanan harian dalam kuantiti yang sedikit kerana rasa cepat kenyang. Pilihan jenis hidangan juga lebih sihat serta seimbang sekarang,” luah wanita tersebut yang mengakui berasa lebih yakin apabila berhadapan dengan orang ramai.
Kesan daripada rawatan itu juga menyebabkan tahap tekanan sewaktu di tempat kerja berkurangan, sekali gus meningkatkan prestasi kerjanya sebagai pegawai khidmat pelanggan di sebuah bank di ibu kota.
Perubahan positif
Perubahan ke arah yang lebih positif turut dirasai seorang akauntan, Angelin Tan, 51, selepas menjalani lima sesi neuro-hipnoterapi untuk mengurangkan tahap tekanan yang dialaminya akibat bebanan kerja di pejabat.

Dia yang sudah berkecimpung dalam bidang akaun selama 20 tahun mengakui mampu mengawal perasaan marah yang sering dilemparkan terhadap rakan sepejabat dan pekerja bawahannya.
“Dulu, apabila pekerja saya membuat kesalahan dalam tugas yang diberikan, saya pasti akan memarahi mereka walaupun kesilapan kecil sahaja. Namun, selepas menjalani rawatan ini, rakan-rakan sekerja boleh nampak perubahan pada diri saya yang semakin tenang dan lebih mesra pekerja.
“Saya rasa sangat bersyukur dengan kehidupan sekarang. Selain rasa lebih tenteram di tempat kerja, masalah gangguan tidur juga sudah hilang dan tidak lagi terjaga di tengah malam,” katanya yang turut menghantar anaknya ke situ untuk menjalani sesi rawatan sama bagi membantu meningkatkan prestasi dalam pembelajaran.
Tidak terhad kepada rawatan mengubah sikap dan kelakuan, rawatan alternatif itu juga mampu membantu mengurangkan simptom penyakit berkaitan gangguan fungsi otak seperti autisme dan masalah hiperaktif dan kekurangan tumpuan (ADHD).
Masalah yang boleh dirawat melalui kaedah tersebut antara lainnya ialah sakit kepala dan migrain, kemurungan, masalah sistem penghadaman, darah tinggi, sawan gangguan tidur, merokok, keresahan dan epilepsi atau sawan.
“Ketidaktentuan aktiviti gelombang otak yang tidak menentu dikatakan antara punca kepada masalah kelakuan dan sikap seseorang. Melakukan perubahan terhadap perkara tersebut di sesetengah kawasan otak mampu mengurangkan serta menyelesaikan keadaan itu,” kata juruhipnoterapi klinikal Spectrum Of Life Sdn. Bhd., Hiro Koo.
Jelasnya, rawatan tersebut berbeza dengan hipnoterapi biasa kerana menggabungkan cara tradisional yang biasa digunakan oleh ahli terapi hipnosis di seluruh dunia dan kaedah saintifik.
Kaedah saintifik yang dipraktikkan membolehkan juruterapi melihat dan memantau keadaan gelombang otak pesakit sama ada berada dalam keadaan tertekan, relaks mahupun tidak sedar menggunakan mesin pengimbas khas.
“Semasa menjalani rawatan ini, pesakit tidak perlu risau mengenai rasa sakit kerana ia adalah rawatan yang tidak menyakitkan tanpa sebarang prosedur pembedahan. Peralatan yang kita gunakan untuk menganalisis gelombang otak mereka juga tidak menggunakan tenaga elektrik. Jadi, ia selamat.
“Kaedah yang kita gunakan ini mampu memahami keadaan seseorang pesakit dengan lebih baik melalui paparan graf-graf gelombang otak yang dapat dilihat di skrin seperti beta, alpha, theta dan delta,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Hiro memberitahu, perubahan frekuensi gelombang otak yang berlaku terhadap seseorang pesakit tidak akan mendatangkan kesan sampingan negatif seperti penyakit gila dan sebagainya.
Katanya, salah tanggapan masyarakat mengenai rawatan hipnoterapi masih lagi menebal dalam kalangan masyarakat dengan menganggap kaedah tersebut boleh mengakibatkan pesakit hilang kawalan terhadap dirinya dan mudah untuk dimanipulasi oleh orang lain.
“Rawatan ini bukanlah seperti yang kita lihat di dalam televisyen iaitu individu berkenaan seperti dipukau dan tidak sedar apa-apa perkara yang berlaku. Sebaliknya, mereka sebenarnya sedar dan mempunyai kawalan terhadap diri sendiri sepenuhnya ketika rawatan.
“Kaedah neuro-hipnoterapi ini baru diperkenalkan di Malaysia dan kami juga merupakan ahli Persatuan Psikologi Amerika (APA). Keahlian tersebut secara langsung mengiktiraf standard emas bagi rawatan yang ditawarkan,” tuturnya.

Friday, November 28, 2014

南洋商报 Nanyang Siang Pau (27/11/2014) - 脑波反馈催眠疗法Neuro-Hypnotherapy专访

有兴趣进行此疗法的你,可以email我询问更多详情:[email protected]